What is the JME-best approach to make character customization

Thanks @Ali_RS

The @nehon great work seems is what i need. But i afraid that later will be some conflicts with Skeleton/Armature and much more other classes from base JME and Monkanim v2. i understand rigid body works well too.

also what about Introducing DynamicAnimControl

i would like to use it later on. no conflicts? why i feel like everyone add features separatly code so there is no single version :smiley: I already said i dont like so many outer repos(that might be in JME basecode) that might conflict with each other. (did JME is closed repo or whatโ€ฆ)

anyway i will try this when will do customization, but would prefer some solution without ingerate in JME basecode. dont have much workforce to manage too much dependencies. :frowning:

so if there are more nice and easy solutions to make rigidbody/animations intact while easy changing weight/tall of character, then please tell too :slight_smile: