What is the role of Geometry class?

Why should I wrap shape objects into Geometry class? Does it give me something except name?

What if I modelling earth globe. How to name Sphere and Geometry instances? Both stand for Earth…

Is the relationship between Sphere and Geometry always 1:1? Can I wrap single Sphere instance into several Geometry instances?

Please read through all the documentation first before you ask on the forums. The javadocs for Geometry also describe how it is used, and you can find all the information on the website or on a google search.

It will also help to read https://wiki.jmonkeyengine.org/legacy/doku.php/jme3:scenegraph_for_dummies

@dims said:
Can I wrap single Sphere instance into several Geometry instances?

Of course.

And any number of Geomety instances can share the same material instance even if they have different meshes.
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Thanks! Sorry for asking simple things…