Which classes can serialize?

I’ve been wondering about what kinds of objects can be serialized with spidermonkey, for the server to update the way all clients are rotated, I’m thinking I might need to broadcast an array of quaternions but I’ve been wondering if the quaternion class will serialize, What wold be even better, in fact, than that answer, is if there is a way to find out beforehand which kinds of objects I will be able to send, I know I can use I think all the primitive types but things like arraylists and Vector3fs I’ve tried but I just get exceptions

The beginning of this file has the standard ones:


Apparently, Quaternion is not one of them. I suppose we should add a serializer for it… and for some of the other sensible jme.math objects like vector4f.

It says arraylists there but i normally cant serialize that, thanks for the post though

@javagame said:
It says arraylists there but i normally cant serialize that, thanks for the post though

Then something else might be wrong. ArrayLists should serialize.... but the elements will also have to serialize. Otherwise, I'd have to see the exception to offer more information.