Wiki translation, the future

We have a new Chinese Wiki.

Unlike past projects, this is not part of the official wiki. It’s setup to work the same as the official wiki . It’s an important project because the engine has drawn significant interest from China and this will probably create even more demand.

It is being maintained by @yan and the project can use help.

His github project is GitHub - jmecn/wiki: jMonkeyEngine3 中文维基百科. Like I mentioned before, it works like the official wiki where commits convert asciidoctor to html and then publish.

The official wiki will no longer store translations in the near future. It will only link to translations and this is a good example of how it should work.

This is the future for other translation projects like Russian, French, Dutch and German, etc. Basically, mirrors or independent sites maintained by dedicated monkeys. If you want to maintain a wiki like this let me know.

The new tutorial is now online.

The access point for it is here.

I would like to thank @david_bernard_31 for his marvelous work on setting all this up for the official wiki. I only follow the trail he blazed forward.

Many thanks to @normen, who near as I can tell wrote the entire wiki, and @nehon for the vast amount of forum posts that fill the wiki.

Thanks also to @yan, @pspeed, @Ali_RS, @Darkchaos who also contribute immensely to its success.

If I left anyone out, its not intentional, I just could go on forever because the list is so huge and we have to stop somewhere.


Okay, let’s suppose I’d like to translate the wiki into German. What exactly would I have to do to make this work? I

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I did it by follwing this link: Automatically update github pages with travis example

Step 1: Create a repo on for the wiki.(NOT a fork)

Copy everything to the localized wiki, especially these files:

  • .travis.yml
  • build.gradle
  • gradlew

Because with execute ./gradlew asciidoctor and ./ after you push your commits.

If you have ever forked the official wiki, I suggest you rename it to origin_wiki or official_wiki. Then you can still contribute to official wiki with that fork.

Step 2: Checkout a new branch named gh-pages

This is for the github pages, will be automatically updated by travis.

Step 3: Go and sign in with your github account

Sign in with the same github account, so you can turn on the switch for your wiki repo.

Step 4: Setup GH_TOKEN varibale

You need to generate a GH_TOKEN in, and set up a Environment Variables in .

This varible will be used in

Step 5: Give gradlew, premission to be excuted.

If you don’t do this, may fail, due to no permission.

How to:

git update-index --chmod=+x
git update-index --chmod=+x gradlew
git push

Step 6: Done

After you have done all above, just commit and push to your wiki repo. You can see the result after a few mintues.

This will guide you to edit the wiki with atom editor.

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I am working on a tutorial that will also do this only using Atom and it’s default GitHub commands.

Atom rocks for wiki editing.

So what do you suggest: Should I wait for your tutorial or use @yan 's step-by-step tutorial? Very thanks to you @yan btw :grinning:

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I guess it depends on if you have git on your system already really. If so you can do @yan way.

It can take a day or two for me to properly write a tutorial.

In the end its basically the same, just different tools to accomplish the same goal.

Heads up @yan. Its not org.

Im integrating your instructions into the new tutorial so there will be two options for this.

It’s .

New tutorial is up.

The new tutorial is now online.

The access point for it is here.

Any problems let me know.


That was actually @zathras

I missed @zathras posts when searching the forums. I continually find posts where you added things so he must of been stealthy about it.

Thanks for mentioning him.


I knew it would be wrong… Got lazy and took a chance.

I was actually interested in the past to translate the wiki to Portuguese in my free-time (I kinda like to translate things :wink: ), so I can contribute.

BTW I worked on some translation projects before and some of them used Crowdin, which I fell in love to. Although it’s paid, it’s completely free for open source projects too. Maybe an option to consider? (IDK how much work it takes to set up a project, might be too troublesome)

That is interesting and would make things easier. Ill look into it.

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Hey, as I translate the wiki, I found out that the documentation.adoc is duplicated in 2 other languages, documentation_de.adoc (German) and documentacao.adoc (Brazillian Portuguese). Since the objetive is for people to fork the wiki and host it translated elsewhere separated from the main wiki page, I suppose these two docs are obsolete. What should I do with them? Keep them or delete them?

They will be going into “storage” ie removed from the wiki soon so delete away.

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That actually make one more question for me: how can I keep updated on the changes happening on the official wiki repo? Is there any RSS feed I can subscribe?

Just a note, I don’t intend to delete anything outdated from the wiki but will be moving it all into a zip for storage elsewhere. In case some of the original authors or members want to access the stuff again, like the Atomix stuff.

The only way I can think of is keeping an eye open here:

I have looked at and spoken with the Crowdin people and I think its a viable option for the wiki.

They way it works there is you can add a translator, ie anyone who wants to run a translation, just like adding a contributor to github. Its also fully integrated with github now so It looks like it may not be any more additional work other than setting up the build procedure.

If we add some commands to travis file I think we could actually build separate wikis from the gh-pages branch, in any language, and push them into a different repository, then delete the temp translation from the official wiki.

The only drawback is I as a contributor cannot get an account with them, only the github project owner can.

I am going to ask them to allow me to try and set this all up with my own testrepo, which I used for the tutorial, so as not to bother the team about it if it doesn’t work right.

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