WIP: STUFF – the game. Contest Entry

@alexmania :

regarding the WIP thread : Not yet , since I’m still in the concern of making another game, or should I focus in the progress of “Moon”… (i’m back to work after a long delay due to my arm’s pain)

The part i like the most in Viewtiful Joe (a fast peace game) is the speed up and slow down part, … in other hand, and I like Limbo sooo much which I want a little bit of that scary feeling in my game _ … (so much things lol)

Limbo is really a very cool exciting game! Doing a game like that is so difficulty because of the physics.

I think Bullet and JME3 is good enough for that … :stuck_out_tongue: (trust me if u dare !)

I 've done that same kind of physic in my Moon game (physic puzzles) … But what I really want is the feeling, dark and scary, which I love the most in Limbo…( and Amnesia , if I 've not mention yet )

Never heard about Amnesia before, it looks very cool.


getting the atmosphere right in a scary game is a very delicate thing, though a very useful mechanic to achieve that is to limit what the player can do defend himself, the scariest moments in that kind of game is when you feel helpless against the horrors of the game (that’s one of the reasons amnesia is such a scary game), though that is not nearly enough to make it a scary game but does help a lot :wink:

@alexmania :

So after an hour of thinking, I decided to have one platform game join the Beta contest for fun …:stuck_out_tongue:

Take a quick look please, and I really want your helps if you don’t mind ( especially in coding). Thank you!


I’ve been busy the last couple of days but today i started working on a new obstacle, its basically a fire pit, when a character touches it he catches on fire and is hurt over a small amount of time. I’ve set it so that the onFire effect has several degrees, which increases the longer you’re in contact with the fire pit, if a char reaches the maximum degree he starts running constantly until the effects wears off. This effect is meant to affect both the player and the enemies, so that you might have to fight burning enemies if near a fire pit, i might also increase the attack damage when on fire to make it more challenging and interesting :slight_smile:

I’ve created a hazard control that can be attached to any object, once a character touches it, it attaches an onFire control to the character causing him to take damage over time and releases the particles until enough time passes. Both the hazard and the onFire controls can be initiated on different magnitudes (fire1, fire2, etc…) and the hazard control can be used to apply other future effects (electricity, poison?). I still have work to do to get running working, have to mess with the motion track for that.

here’s a what the onFire effect looks like so far on the player

i think its about time i start getting some concept art ready and make some proper models for the game


@alexmania i changed some things in MotionTrack and MotionPath lately, if you notice any annoying changes please report!