Wondering the development progress of JME3 SDK on android platform


I am a game fun, and also a programmer. Well I was looking for a matured 3D engine that could be run on embbed devices, more specifically on Android platform. And if My development output could be run across platform, that would be amazing, So I found the JME3 and come here.

But currently it seems there lacks an official release of SDK to make the development with JME3 on Android easily, and it some problem could happen If I use the Alpha version to do it. So I am wondering is there a date plan to provider a officially release about this , I am eager to know about it.

I think today the 3D game engine in embbed device is really a good opportunity to make the engine be an outstanding one.

Soon, I have it working locally and the android forum tells you how to set it up in the SDK meanwhile. The app you write itself won’t have to be any different.