Zay-ES and Bullet physics best practices

Here is my solution

Yes, I took your suggestion. Thanks for your help. :slight_smile:

Body class is same as yours

*  @author    Paul Speed
public class Body {
    public final EntityId bodyId;
    public Vec3d pos = new Vec3d();
    public Vec3d velocity = new Vec3d();
    public Vec3d acceleration = new Vec3d();
    public double radius = 1;
    public double invMass = 1;
    public AaBBox bounds = new AaBBox(radius);
    public Quatd orientation = new Quatd();
    public volatile ControlDriver driver;
    public Body( EntityId bodyId ) {
        this.bodyId = bodyId;
        this.bounds = new AaBBox(radius);
    public Body( EntityId bodyId, double x, double y, double z ) {
        this.bodyId = bodyId;
        this.pos.set(x, y, z);
    public void setPosition( Vec3d position ) {
    public void setRotation( Quatd rotation ) {
    public void integrate( double stepTime ) {
        // Update the bounds since it's easy to do here and helps
        // other things know where the object is for real


Are you effectively keeping a physics-only set of spatials?

Only if we want some kind of mesh accurate collision shapes.
No needs for primitive ones.