Zombiegirl: GltfLoader vs MonkeyWrench

Hello everyone,
could you help me understand why the hair in the Zombie gltf model is not rendered?
Here is the original model downloadable from the Mixamo site.

Here is the gltf model rendered via the latest versions of GltfLoader and MonkeyWrench.

Here are the details of the geometries and materials of the model:

g[454] "ZombieGirl_Body-1" bucket=Transparent cull=Inherit/Dynamic
       mat"ZombieGirl_Material" def"PBR Lighting" dTest,dWrite,NOwireframe,blend=Alpha with 15 parms:
         BackfaceShadows: false
         BaseColor: rgb=0.8 a=0
         BaseColorMap: Models/Zombiegirl/gltf/zombie_diffuse.png (Flipped) (Mipmapped) mag:Bilinear min:BilinearNoMipMaps aniso:0 s:Repeat t:Repeat
         Emissive: rgb=0
         EmissiveIntensity: 1
         EmissivePower: 3
         Glossiness: 1
         Metallic: 0
         NormalMap: Models/Zombiegirl/gltf/zombie_normal.png (Flipped) (Mipmapped) mag:Bilinear min:BilinearNoMipMaps aniso:0 s:Repeat t:Repeat
         NormalType: 1
         ParallaxHeight: 0.05
         Roughness: 0.301511
         Specular: rgb=1
         UseSpecularAA: true
         UseVertexColor: true

Here is the java code I used to load the model:

        jme3utilities.debug.Dumper dumper = jme3utilities.debug.new Dumper();

        if (useMonkeyWrench) {
            String[] extensions = { "3ds", "3mf", "blend", "bvh", "dae", "fbx", "glb", "gltf",
                    "lwo", "meshxml", "mesh.xml", "obj", "ply", "stl" };
            assetManager.registerLoader(LwjglAssetLoader.class, extensions);
            int ppFlags = Assimp.aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace
                    | Assimp.aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices
                    | Assimp.aiProcess_Triangulate
                    | Assimp.aiProcess_GenNormals
                    | Assimp.aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure
//                    | Assimp.aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials
                    | Assimp.aiProcess_SortByPType;
            LwjglAssetKey key = new LwjglAssetKey(MODEL_PATH, ppFlags);
            Spatial model = assetManager.loadModel(key);
        } else {
            Spatial model = assetManager.loadModel(MODEL_PATH);
  • Could you tell me if this is a defect?
  • Or how to correct the material values to render the hair in a more believable and artistically acceptable way?

The 3D model files are downloadable from my github here: Zombiegirl

Note: It is not excluded that the Mixamo model may contain errors.
I would like to have an expert opinion on the result obtained. @sgold

Thanks for your help


Usually authoring programs add alpha blending to the hair to avoid harsh transitions.

I see this flag in your material: blend=Alpha.

As I develop in JMonkey Three types of alpha situations arise.

Opaque: No alpha.

Alpha clip: Used for leaves or grass. When you just want to NOT draw some parts of the image.

Alpha blend: This is used heavily for terrains. When adding roads, grass and dirt to a single mesh.

I suggest you load the model to blender and cycle between these three options so you learn how they work.

I used this troubleshooting technique just a few weeks ago to load a model that I exported from MakeHuman. The hair was showing translucent which was incorrect.

This is what my grass material looks like in JMonkey:

Material My Material : Common/MatDefs/Light/Lighting.j3md {
MaterialParameters {
Shininess : 1
DiffuseMap : ā€œModels/sample_path/trees-02.pngā€
ParallaxHeight : 0.05
BackfaceShadows : false
AlphaDiscardThreshold : 0.2
AdditionalRenderState {
FaceCull Off

In this case a tackle the problem by using the alpha clip technique.

The material shows ā€˜AlphaDiscardThreshold : 0.2ā€™. So itā€™s clipping any alpha below 0.2.

These settings should provide good enough results for your characterā€™s hair.

You could achieve more complex results by using alpha blend. But I donā€™t suggest you use it just yet since you are learning.


could you help me understand why the hair in the Zombie gltf model is not rendered?
Here is the original model downloadable from the Mixamo site.
Here is the gltf model rendered via the latest versions of GltfLoader and MonkeyWrench.

I can try. However, at this point Iā€™m already confused.

  1. The Mixamo site doesnā€™t offer a glTF download for this model, so I donā€™t know where your glTF came from.
  2. GltfLoader and MonkeyWrench are 2 completely different things. Iā€™m unsure which asset pipeline was used to generate your screenshot.
  3. Your GitHub repo includes both glTF and FBX files, so Iā€™m unsure which one you want me to look at. The FBX file in the repo is version 7700 (aka 7.7), which isnā€™t supported by either GltfLoader or MonkeyWrench, so hopefully youā€™re importing the glTF not the FBX.

As youā€™re probably aware, JMEā€™s rendering pipeline has significant limitations when it comes to rendering transparent geometries: Alpha/Transparency Sorting, Your Z-buffer, and You . If youā€™re hitting up against those limitations, there isnā€™t much the importers can do.

Iā€™m still investigatingā€¦

EDIT: I loaded the glTF from your repo into the glTF viewer at https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ . It looks like the hair isnā€™t visible in the glTF, so I think thereā€™s a problem with the conversion to glTF:

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Hi @sgold ,

Thank you for your time and patience. I apologize for the previous confusion and will be more specific going forward.

Iā€™m currently importing a 3D model in GLTF format. To achieve the desired result, it was sufficient to change the alpha value of the BaseColor parameter to 1, leaving the default values for BlendMode = Alpha and QueueBucket = Transparent. I even wrote a Materials editor built into the SDK to test all possible combinations of parameters.

I was not aware of this limitations, thanks for bringing it to my attention, I will keep it in mind.

However, due to recent changes in the GltfLoader with the latest engine version, Iā€™m considering switching to MonkeyWrench in my pipeline.

As these tools have distinct approaches, Iā€™ve noticed differences in the Material parameters for the Zombieā€™s hair (eg: Metallic, EmissiveIntensity, UseVertexColorā€¦)

Iā€™m curious which tool would provide more reliable and accurate Material parameter values to help identify potential bugs.
To facilitate comparison, Iā€™ve attached both GltfLoader and MonkeyWrench output files for the ZombieGirl_Body_1 geometry Material.

Thank you for your expertise and assistance.


Material ZombieGirl_Body_1 : Common/MatDefs/Light/PBRLighting.j3md {

    MaterialParameters {
      EmissivePower : 3.0
      BackfaceShadows : false
      Roughness : 0.30151135
      EmissiveIntensity : 2.0
      Glossiness : 1.0
      BaseColor : 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.0
      ParallaxHeight : 0.05
      Metallic : 0.4
      NormalType : 1.0
      Emissive : 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
      NormalMap : WrapRepeat_S WrapRepeat_T MinBilinearNoMipMaps "Models/Zombiegirl/gltf/zombie_normal.png"
      BaseColorMap : WrapRepeat_S WrapRepeat_T MinBilinearNoMipMaps "Models/Zombiegirl/gltf/zombie_diffuse.png"
      Specular : 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

    AdditionalRenderState {
      PointSprite On
      Blend Alpha


Material MAT_ZombieGirl_Body-1 : Common/MatDefs/Light/PBRLighting.j3md {

    MaterialParameters {
      EmissivePower : 3.0
      BackfaceShadows : false
      Roughness : 0.30151135
      EmissiveIntensity : 1.0
      Glossiness : 1.0
      BaseColor : 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.0
      ParallaxHeight : 0.05
      Metallic : 0.0
      NormalType : 1.0
      Emissive : 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
      NormalMap : Flip WrapRepeat_S WrapRepeat_T MinBilinearNoMipMaps "Models/Zombiegirl/gltf/zombie_normal.png"
      BaseColorMap : Flip WrapRepeat_S WrapRepeat_T MinBilinearNoMipMaps "Models/Zombiegirl/gltf/zombie_diffuse.png"
      UseVertexColor : true
      Specular : 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

    AdditionalRenderState {
      PointSprite On
      Blend Alpha

I donā€™t understand much about the format of the gltf file, but it seems that the correct Metallic value is 0.4f, instead MonkeyWrench reads it as 0f.

"materials": [
            "name": "ZombieGirl_body_Material",
            "alphaMode": "OPAQUE",
            "extras": {
                "fromFBX": {
                    "shadingModel": "Phong",
                    "isTruePBR": false
            "normalTexture": {
                "index": 0,
                "texCoord": 0
            "pbrMetallicRoughness": {
                "baseColorTexture": {
                    "index": 1,
                    "texCoord": 0
                "baseColorFactor": [
                "metallicFactor": 0.400000005960464,
                "roughnessFactor": 0.301511347293854
            "name": "ZombieGirl_Material",
            "alphaMode": "BLEND",
            "extras": {
                "fromFBX": {
                    "shadingModel": "Phong",
                    "isTruePBR": false
            "normalTexture": {
                "index": 0,
                "texCoord": 0
            "pbrMetallicRoughness": {
                "baseColorTexture": {
                    "index": 2,
                    "texCoord": 0
                "baseColorFactor": [
                "metallicFactor": 0.400000005960464,
                "roughnessFactor": 0.301511347293854
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I see what you mean about the ā€œmetallicFactorā€ being different in the materials imported by MonkeyWrench. I re-ran the import with verbose logging and confirmed that Assimp read a metallicFactor of 0.4 .

Looking at the logic of MaterialBuilder.createJmeMaterial() I see thereā€™s an override that zeroes out PBRā€™s ā€œMetallicā€ parameter when vertex colors are present in the mesh:

By adding a println(), I confirmed that the setFloat() above is executed for each geometry in the Zombiegirl model.

Iā€™m not a PBR expert, so I canā€™t say for certain whether this logic is correct. To me, the side-by-side renders of Zombiegirl with Metallic=0.4 and Metallic=0 look very similar.

ā€œGit blameā€ indicates the logic was added on 8 October 2023 to address a bug in the BoxVertexColors test (from the glTF-Sample-Models repo). I re-ran that test with the setFloat() commented out, and it failed. (The GltfLoader in JME 3.7.0-stable passes that test.)

Bottom line: I donā€™t understand why GltfLoader and MonkeyWrench give different material parameters, and Iā€™m not yet convinced itā€™s a problem. What do you think?

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The gltf specs say that color_0 is used as linear multiplier for baseColor. I donā€™t see why metallic should be set to 0 in this case. Not sure how close jmes pbr shader follows the specs

I checked the shader and it does implement vertex color 0 as specified.

I would expect the difference on a more metallic object to be more visible.


Iā€™ll look into what GltfLoader is doing to pass BoxVertexColor without zeroing out the Metallic parameter.


At a first glance it just sets useVertexColor to true, in both, the mesh and the material.

In the wrench lib it seems you are not setting the boolean on the mesh. (I have checked materialbuilder and meshbuilder). Thats a difference. Not sure if it fixes the issue.

it seems you are not setting the boolean on the mesh.

Iā€™ll look into what GltfLoader is doing to pass BoxVertexColor without zeroing out the Metallic parameter.

On the BoxVertexColors test, MonkeyWrench does set UseVertexColor=true, and GltfLoader does set Metallic=0.

MonkeyWrench sets the following parameters:

BackfaceShadows: false
BaseColor: rgb=1
Emissive: rgb=0
EmissiveIntensity: 1
EmissivePower: 3
Glossiness: 1
Metallic: 0
NormalType: -1
ParallaxHeight: 0.05
Roughness: 1
Specular: rgb=1
UseSpecularAA: true
UseVertexColor: true

while GltfLoader sets:

BackfaceShadows: false
BaseColor: rgb=1
EmissiveIntensity: 2
EmissivePower: 3
Glossiness: 1
Metallic: 0
NormalType: -1
ParallaxHeight: 0.05
Roughness: 1
Specular: rgb=1
UseSpecularAA: true
UseVertexColor: true

The only matparams that differ are Emissive and EmissiveIntensity. If Metallic=1, the test fails.

EDIT: Unlike Zombiegirl, BoxVertexColors doesnā€™t specify ā€œmetallicFactorā€. When Assimp reads BoxVertexColors.gltf, it sets ā€œ$mat.metallicFactorā€ to 1. So apparently Assimp thinks metallicFactor defaults to 1.

Strictly spoken the specs state that the default value for metallic is 1.

However as some issues at the official tracker states:

the default value does not make sense since it will set the base color to 0.0.0

diffuseColor *= 1.0 - metallic

I have checked the BoxVertexColors.gltf and it does not seem to have any material parameters. At this point it seems eighter there is somewhere another hidden spec that changes the default values if vertex colors are used, or the khronos renderer does not follow the spec. Imho it should render as black cube if i read the specs correctly.


https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ renders BoxVertexColors as a color cube:

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So does the kronos renderer. but it has set metallic to 1. So i guess they use a different calculation.

The question is, if we want to follow the spec, or if we are happy with the results if the tests render correctly. At least, both importers should produce the same result to be consistent.

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At least, both importers should produce the same result to be consistent.

The goal of MonkeyWrench is utility, not consistency with GltfLoader.

GltfLoader has a slew of known bugs and defects:

I have difficulty believing BoxVertexColors could be inconsistent with the glTF spec. To me, it seems more likely thereā€™s a defect in the PBRLighting material and both GltfLoader and MonkeyWrench are working around that defect by setting Metallic=0.


Point taken. With consitency i was referring to this usecase.
I agree that prblighting does something outside of the specs. If its due a missing feature, or due performance reasons it is to be explored.
At this point i cannot guess how a change to such a basic property will impact every model imported prior to this future fix. We will probably have to add a similar workaround in the j3o loader if we care about compability.


Returning to the OPā€™s request:

Itā€™s difficult to say which tool is more accurate for importing glTFs. On some models, MonkeyWrench does better. On others, GltfLoader might be preferred.

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Thanks @sgold @zzuegg , I appreciate you taking the time to investigate my concern.

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