My particle system

I added the new video with particles on YouTube. All scenes involved 1 million particles with attractor.


Pretty. :slight_smile:

All hail the new powder toy!

They are eye catching :open_mouth: . I did not think particles can create such a cool scene .

Are these done with the jme3 default particle system?. Could you post the code/parameters to achieve it or is it secret?.

Anyway, that’s really awesome!! :open_mouth:

Could you post the code/parameters to achieve it or is it secret?.

From every example from my video I made 3 modes.

My demo is based on OpenCL and launches OpenCL programms. Maybe better to use shaders.

Most better to change parameter, which is speed limit, other may cause distortion, so
I locked the atracctor force. Speed limit formula add extra flexibility for particles traectory.
Most difficult in my code is receiving the gradient of colors. Not worth it to look over this.
As you can see in OpenCL is absent byte type and I simply replaced him by 8-bit char type for color buffer.
In code you can found how I used Quaternions for camera.
My practice of programming is not the best, so if you want to understand my code you
must take it to notice.


In the demo .rar you missed to add the needed libs.

Small changed controls and added libs Particle_Demo.rar - Google Drive

screenshot from mode 3:

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