Skullstone - a dungeon crawler game

I think you have it backwards.

Min(0, 2) = 0… not 2.

Oups, right use max(…,…) . too late to thinks, time to sleep.

I don’t like your solution.

Modifying the light color gives me nice and smooth pass between areas that are influenced by player’s light and not influenced. And as I said, the color is plain blue, or I just messed something…

EDIT: Anyway, can’t use such formula, the current color is calculated from framebuffer and actual, last light. Blending is additive, I just need to probe the framebuffer’s color and decide if I need to add some factor to currently calculated pixel value.

You can use the max not set de value of the pixel, but the value of the light, or use an ambient light. But if you code no light in shadow or area out of light volume as I did in my deferred renderer, it will not work. and the max should be applied on the additive result light buffer (if you use one).
Anyway it’s just a quick proposal, I’ll re-read your question tomorrow after sleeping, maybe I’ll got a better idea.

EDIT: the idea is the same as “lighten” filter/blend mode in Photoshop,…

To me it looks like you’re trying to replicate the ambient light effect. Why not use an ambient light?

As far as I remember ambient looks like this:

        gl_FragColor.rgb =  AmbientSum         * diffuseColor.rgb  +
                            DiffuseSum.rgb   * diffuseColor.rgb  * vec3(light.x) +
                            SpecularSum2.rgb * specularColor.rgb * vec3(light.y);

So, giving constant blue as ambient would affect everything, both shadowed and lightened pixels. Everything would be bluish…

We are on Steam (in Concepts section):

If you want to help, please give ‘like’ and/or some comment. Project needs popularity to be visible on first page. First page = more true opinions from users, who are too lazy to check the second page :wink:

Thank you in advance.


Here you can see a new page in character’s card: Abilities and skills. On this page you can get all info about those things, when you point a mouse on skill/abi the hint appear.
Skills are here just for information purpose, abilities can be leveled up using ‘ability points’.


From the left of the image I guess, you finally find how to create a blueish penumbra (vs opaque dark).
your UI + renderer is improving each time. GG

You might be surprised, but this is the same effect as before :wink:

Hi, About too dark zone

If you didn’t find a solution, I have other suggestions:

  • using ToneMapping shoud be the perfect match. But to be usefull, I guess you’ll have to do more work (than other proposal). And you should be more immersive with inertia to simulate time adaptation of eyes.
  • using MatCap (MaterialCapture)for darker pixel (you can experiment with matcap in Blender’s 3DView see display section of 3DView Property panel)
    To quickly try in your shader (pseudo glsl, I’m offline when I wrote):
  vec2 normalSS = (WorldToScreenMatrix * normalInWorld).xy;
  #ifdef MatCapWithTexture
    ve2 matcapUV = (normalSS + vec2(1.0)) * 0.5;
    vec3 altout = texture(matcapTexture, matcapUV).rgb
    // use distance for linear gray curve, or 1/distanceSquare for more contrasted gray (I guess)
    vec3 intensityMax = vec3(0.2, 0.2, 0.3)
    vec3 altout = vec3(1/distanceSquare(normalSS)) * intensityMax
  // optional you can use altout like an ambient with
  // altout = altout * diffuseColor.rgb
  out.rgb = max(out.rgb, altout)

Thank you, I’ll try that when I close the current chapter of work.

Check out the latest screens and concept arts!


Cool, followed! Our twitter feed has been hibernating for a while. ima try pick it up again now. Feel free to send some tweets our way to confirm :stuck_out_tongue:

LET THE MORTAL KOMBAT … errrr … I mean RUN! It would kill us!

This is only a test mob, don’t worry, we will not have robots :slight_smile:


Also followed on twitter.
Feels great to see more jMonkey based projects on the twitter feed now :smile:

Ok guys, what do you think? Especially you, @david_bernard_31
Everything should look the same in general, but now we calculate the light and colors in the linear space. It allow us to have that bluish darkness made with a single line:

lightColor += vec3(0.0025, 0.0025, 0.015);

I also think that the darkened surfaces looks a bit better, but it may be only my subjective perception.
Tell me your opinion.


If that’s the same lighting situation as in the “robot” scene, then the new version definitely has a better atmosphere because the darkness is more intense.

Linear space is one of my favorite 3.1 feature. I also try to use in my deferred pipeline.
It seems you have less full dark (unlighted) zone.

Very interesting to follow your progress.

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