Animating obj files

There are two basic ways of animating, stop frame and interpolated over key frames. Obj files, I think, are basically stop frames (albeit interpolated by Blender over the duration of the timeline). The question I have is: is it faster to have jme3 load the relevant stop frames and have the code dictate the timing at which each frame gets displayed, which presumably will require loading more vertex data; or is it faster to load an ogre file with skeleton (less vertex data) and get jme3 to do the interpolations on the fly? I would have thought the former.

Also, are there any wrinkles to loading .obj animations that a newbie to jme3 should be aware of… I can find no examples other than those for ogre. Any code would be greatly appreciated and once I get something up and running I can resubmit it it onto the forum.

ste3e said:
Also, are there any wrinkles to loading .obj animations that a newbie to jme3 should be aware of...

Yes, .obj file format does not support animation, it only supports static objects, that's why you can't find example.

You'll have to use ogre xml format. For now JME3 only support bones animation.

Blender exports animations as a sequence of meshes. Under the Community->userCode section I have placed some code that loads these .obj files and animates them. I was asking if this had already been done was all.

oh good, i’ll look at the code.