Hi there,
I figured I’d start out the monthly screen shot thread with my current project
Here are some screenshots from my current project
Hope to see what everyone else is working on this month!
Hi there,
I figured I’d start out the monthly screen shot thread with my current project
Here are some screenshots from my current project
Hope to see what everyone else is working on this month!
This is what I was working on the last few days.
It is not low poly but it’s really pretty.
Unfortunately I had some trouble with it looking bad in BlenderRender and expecting those troubles in jme as well (The first being that BlenderImporter refuses to load it )
I’ll edit this as soon as I have some nice looking scenary for my game
Woah,this looks good,how much vertex?
Woah,i must stop posting before my brain wakes up in the morning.
Are you using lights on android? Or is the light baked? Must look awesome on a phone screen.
→ @ - bawb
I dont think this is going to make it on Android. This is going to be a short PC project.
The lights are probably much too heavy.
Ok ok, thx for the info. Lookin’good.
I never took part on this threads but today i feel like to do it
Working on blender:
To learn more about JME and port my Unity game I decided to make a domino game first while I feel more comfortable with it.
Playing with shadows and appstates, importing blender models, etc.
I’m going to try to open source the network synch library that I will use to synchronize the physics state in Mythruna. So, I need a simple game to test/demo it. I have a design for a sort of multiplayer asteroids++… 2D but I’ll do it in JME.
I was playing with some premade assets tonight from http://kenney.nl/ and made a video. Just something simple to try out some of the assets.
I also grabbed some star maps from cgtextures and layered them for a little parallax. I have one more thing I want to prototype before settling on a design.
Played a little more with leaving energy signatures:
Description in the video… but the short version is I needed to prototype the idea to help make a design decision that would change the whole approach to the game. I really wanted a more “hunter” style game because it’s a better test of network zones and because it sounds more fun to me. The clincher was being able to display energy trails.
…I think it works ok. Good enough for a prototype.
Carpe Diem is a turn based strategy game I’ve been working on with Blender and jME3 for a period of time now. This strategy is all about tactical combat, there’s no researching of technologies involved, just build space stations to collect resources and build a variety of military craft to defend your territory and forcefully take new territory!
Maps are randomly generated using two different user selected algorithms. Start positions are also random save for the fact that the algorithm ensures that no two starting positions are immediately next to one another, although the user can select to turn that off if they don’t mind the possibility of starting right next to someone.
Carpe Diem makes use of NiftyGUI for the interface. The UI is largely customizable in that you can close, minimize and move windows. The root windowing class allows for resizing windows by dragging out any of the four corners, but currently only the resource window allows this and only on the y-axis.
The visibility of the grid, territory boundaries and unit info cards can be toggled on and off via the map window. Typically the map window and game view hides areas that have not already been sighted by the player and units that are not currently visible to the player, but I disabled that for the time being for testing purposes so in these shots the entire map is visible.
Here is a complete rework of the Hover tank model for a PBR demo I’m preping. Texturing is done with substance painter
you can even see it live on sketchfab
Here is what it looks like in JME.
The reflexion looks more grainy, I have to fix it, and there are some unfortunate distorsions in the normal map compared to what I have in painter, not sure why…
PBR looks awesome. So excited for it
Can you maybee do something like a small log about converting the model?
Like what problems did occour how you solved them ect?
As I guess that there are many (Me included) who will pretty soon want to convert a large amount of models for that lighting model
mhh…well… I didn’t really convert the maps…I re textured it with substance painter…
At least that’s what I was planning to do at first…but in the end I took the old model as a basis and remodeled it almost from scratch …and then textured it with substance painter…
So IMO not a very valid workflow for “conversion” sake.
Also substance painter is a charged application, not much considering the awesomness, but still…
For the conversion though there are some examples here and there but I didn’t see something really magic from classic diffuse specular to PBR.
You often see conversion from PBR different workflow (metal/rough vs spec/gloss) though.
The huge difference is that the base color map should not contain any light data (like AO, or baked lighting) which was very common with the old system…so that’s hard to convert.
So if my current models already have cleanly done normal,diffuse ect maps it would be somewhat possible to use them with that lightinga s well
It won’t be possible without conversion. The only one that doesn’t need conversion is the normal map.
And this conversion can hardly be done automatically.