Carpe Diem is a turn based strategy game I’ve been working on with Blender and jME3 for a period of time now. This strategy is all about tactical combat, there’s no researching of technologies involved, just build space stations to collect resources and build a variety of military craft to defend your territory and forcefully take new territory!
Maps are randomly generated using two different user selected algorithms. Start positions are also random save for the fact that the algorithm ensures that no two starting positions are immediately next to one another, although the user can select to turn that off if they don’t mind the possibility of starting right next to someone.
Carpe Diem makes use of NiftyGUI for the interface. The UI is largely customizable in that you can close, minimize and move windows. The root windowing class allows for resizing windows by dragging out any of the four corners, but currently only the resource window allows this and only on the y-axis.
The visibility of the grid, territory boundaries and unit info cards can be toggled on and off via the map window. Typically the map window and game view hides areas that have not already been sighted by the player and units that are not currently visible to the player, but I disabled that for the time being for testing purposes so in these shots the entire map is visible.