(August 2016) Monthly WIP screenshot thread

Eheh i didn’t follow any particular tutorial, so i’m not sure about the slang. But i think you mean how many time i sample the ray, if so: 32.
The ray stops at the nearest surface, or if not available, at the frustum far plane.


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What does casting a ray give you that the depth of the fragment doesn’t? There is something I’m missing here.

Actually, I guess even in my atmospheric shader I sort of cast rays… so maybe never mind. :slight_smile:


I thought about this too. My own fog shader uses depth to calculate the transmittance analytically, but it is hard to get it right at the top of the fog, especially because my terrain and hence the fog layer has a spherical shape. So my fog looks very sharp at the top. I noticed that the top looks very smooth in the video above, so I’m already thinking about making a ray tracing based fog too. Then there could also be volumetric shadows. :blush:

Well i used ray tracing because it’s the easiest solution, maybe you can achieve the same effect using pure math, if you know the shape of your fog layer .
With the depth you find the point you are looking at, then you get the line from eyes to point, you find where it intersects with the fog, and then you can find the inside-fog distance and the outside-fog distance from that point, and you should have everything you can get from a ray. (but i didn’t try it, it’s just an idea).

Said that, i want to extend the filter to produce some sort of sandstorm, smoke and such, for that i will need some particles flying around, so for me raytracing is still a good solution.

Yeah, my scattering uses a ray also. I still find it an interesting discussion.

I’ve been working on some new tree models for a new biome in spoxel. Just playing around with a couple of variations right now.


Knights and Castles


There is a nice smell of “The maker’s tale” in this shot. :wink:
very nice

And then there’s people saying jME can’t do very good graphic wise. Just look at amazingness of this shot!


Because here we have much more artistic quality than ‘opengl quality’. But still it’s ok :slight_smile: I like it.


similar scene, no ‘opengl quality’ :


Yeah, gotta have the effects.

The whole point of the ‘low poly’ style is low poly scenes with super-high-quality lighting. The more we can fake that the better and you’ve done a great job. Way better than anything I tried along these lines.

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But it is still just a shader, not any latest OpenGL feature.

mhhh? like what?

…it’s actually 7, if that makes a difference =/ …

Lightspeed Frontier Android companion app in the making.

Made with permission and cooperation from @MoffKalast.


Very nice to see this kind of collaboration guys. Kudos


Yep! Very excited for the app :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s some of my progress these past few days. I’m remodeling and retexturing the stations while reducing tris count. All sections will now also be using the same material so they’re batchable.

Oyster’s a parody of Shell, reinforcing the thought that the space stations are meant to be like large gas stations.

Repair stations still look a bit odd from the front…

And the truss connections now have a tunnel, supposedly to allow people to get from one section to the other.

I’m not satisfied with how the bloom filter blurs the decals when you get further away so I’m thinking of modifying the lighting shader to ignore shadows based on a black/white gradient map. Should be easy to make right? Right?

I’m not sure how to mask parts of a material to the dlsr shadow renderer at all, but hopefully I won’t need that.


And I’m still working on my roleplay game Changes. Some days ago completed with dynamic loading map cells. So players can enjoy huge world with a lot of different destructable objects:


I added some 3d perlin noise

But it’s too heavy :sweat: