Billboard problem

hi, i want to create one billboard,

When i create it, it has the wrong position ( it depends on billboard size and camera position).

Wrong position


public Geometry createSun1(String particleTexture, float radius)


Geometry sun = new Geometry("", new Quad(radius, radius));

BillboardControl bc = new BillboardControl();


Material mat = new Material(scene.getAssetManager(), “Common/MatDefs/Misc/Particle.j3md”);

mat.setTexture(“Texture”, scene.getAssetManager().loadTexture(particleTexture));



return sun;



I can create it correctly with particle emitter, but i think it will be slower.

Correct position


public Geometry createSun(String particleTexture, float radius)


ParticleEmitter emit = new ParticleEmitter(“Emitter”, Type.Point, 1);

emit.setShape(new EmitterBoxShape(new Vector3f(0f, 0, 0), new Vector3f(0f, 0f, 0f)));





Material mat = new Material(scene.getAssetManager(), “Common/MatDefs/Misc/Particle.j3md”);

mat.setBoolean(“PointSprite”, true);

mat.setTexture(“Texture”, scene.getAssetManager().loadTexture(particleTexture));


return emit;



by the way jme3test.model.shape.TestBillboard has the same bug,

which means it is a bug with jme.

Just at a quick glance… some things that might be messing you up:

  1. A quad is from 0 to width and 0 to height. Your use of the word “radius” makes me think you might be misunderstanding this point. So it will not be centered over 0,0… for example, it is not from -radius to radius. This means if you want a quad to “billboard” around its center then you have to offset it. In this case, I guess it means that you would translate the geometry by -width * 0.5, stick it under a node and put the billboard on that node.

  2. Using Particle.j3md for regular geometry may give weird results on its own. You probably want Unshaded when you are using a Quad. Was there a reason you chose the particle material for your quad?
  1. done and it now works correcly, thx


    public Spatial createSun1(String particleTexture, float radius, int imgX, int imgY)


    Node sunGeom = new Node();

    Geometry sun = new Geometry("", new Quad(radius, radius));

    Material mat = Utilities.getUnshadedMaterial(particleTexture, null, scene.getAssetManager());






    sun.move(-radius/2f, -radius/2f, -radius/2f);

    BillboardControl bc = new BillboardControl();


    return sunGeom;



  2. Generating the sun with a particle emitter no longer works.

    setLocalTranslation(); refuses to move the particle, it totally ignores the call, and only updates the particle position once per 5 seconds. (so the sun teleports every 5 sec)

    It works normally if i use a 3d sphere or the quad billboard “method 1”. ( the sun moves smoothly)

Probably because the particles are in world space. Try emitter.setInWorldSpace(false)