I create an array of boxs and for each box i wrote the flowing
float size = 0.5f;
Box b = new Box(“ground”+number , new Box(size,size/10,size));
mat = new Material(assetManager, “Common/MatDefs/Light/Lighting.j3md”);
mat.setTexture(“DiffuseMap”, assetManager.loadTexture(“Textures/desert250x250.jpg”)); // in the flowing images I changed only this line
// And I have a light
//(the problem is not from the lights because I tried it without lights by useing the “Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md” same thing happens when applying textures)
Momoko_Fan said:
Make sure to set shininess, e.g. material.setShininess(16) or something other than zero. It is a known bug with NVIDIA shader compiler ...
nehon said:
yeah in fact it's material.setFloat("Shininess",16);
I have set the shininess with material.setFloat("Shininess",16); , but still same problem :( THE BLACK FOG
is there a software render that I can test or some way to use Mesa3D software render instead of openGL.
if not I will fix this bug my self, it's hardware specific bug.
I have programmed with OpenGL and C before. Any I idea where to start looking for the bug!
I also tried this in eclipse and it works, but I gotta say that I forgot to Refresh project (F5 on project name) after I put that texture file (d250.jpg) using ie. explorer so I kept getting jme exceptions that’s not found…
Maybe you can try fiddling with some of the options for your drivers(in ATI catalyst or something), I know I had some issues because I didn’t have them options on default (like random culling of Arrows)