Black space with my SkyBox

I’m trying to make a SkyBox the way the wiki page describes, but it’s not quite working. I add the SkyBox with the line

[java]rootNode.attachChild(SkyFactory.createSky(assetManager, “Textures/Sky/Bright/”, false));[/java]

The problem is that as I fly around, I’ll suddenly be caught in a “black space” where the skybox disappears. If you fly around for a little bit it normally comes back. Does anyone know why that could be?


I had a similar problem. That solved it. Maybe it can help.


Spatial sky = SkyFactory.createSky(assetManager, "", false);





Perfect, thank you very much!

e: Does anyone have an example of how you can create a skybox and then move relative to the skybox? So it looks like you’re actually moving, instead of just having a static background picture behind you?

Lunnies said:
e: Does anyone have an example of how you can create a skybox and then move relative to the skybox? So it looks like you're actually moving, instead of just having a static background picture behind you?

It wouldn't. The only way to achieve that would be a skybox video instead of a static image where you actually move in the environment.