Blender PBR materials

Or maybe check texture extensions, if .png then use it if .jpg then not use it.

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thought about it, its nice idea, but what if i use png for even opaque? :frowning:(even opaque textures would be then in transparent bucket making some issues or unnecessary alpha threshold check")

edit: i think i will just check if texture/object name contains ā€œTransparentā€ keyWord, then make bucket and threshold for it.

btw. For others to know generating hair texture can be done this awesome particleGenerator way(setting render background to transparent): :+1:

then i am able to use this textures in JME too.

wrote fast something like this into my asset manager:

protected void loadAssetToCache(AbstractAssetData value){
    if(value.model == null){
        Spatial spat = assetManager.loadModel(value.dir + '/' +value.modelName); // should auto-cache
        spat.setUserData("dataAssetName", value.assetName);
        spat.setUserData("dataSize", value.size);
        spat.setUserData("dataModelDir", value.dir);
        spat.setUserData("dataModelName", value.modelName);
        spat.setUserData("batchNodeName", value.batchNodeName);
        if(spat instanceof Geometry){
            value.model = new Node("Geometry");
        } else {
            value.model = (Node) spat;
            SceneGraphVisitor visitor = (Spatial spatTraversal) -> {
                if(spatTraversal instanceof Geometry){

private void transparencyFixer(Geometry geom){
    for (String name : Arrays.asList(new String[] { "ColorMap", "DiffuseMap", "BaseColorMap" })) {
        MatParam tex = geom.getMaterial().getParam(name);
        String texName = tex != null ? tex.getValueAsString() : "";
            geom.getMaterial().setFloat("AlphaDiscardThreshold", 0.1f);

also this is how can do this in blender for principled bsdf node:

Note: once you figure out which objects you want to put in the transparent bucket then you can also set alphaDiscardThreshold through a material parameter override on the spatial rather than worrying about traversing down through all of the materials.

Edit: though I guess it is likely you will want to set transparent buckets at the geometry level anyway.

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sorry, but i dont get it. how can i override alphaDiscardThreshold on parent Spatial(node i understand)?

its material param right? is there some easier way than i do in code above?

edit: anyway i check texture name, not Spatial name, so it looks like geom material traverse is only way?

But yeah, it doesnā€™t really help you hereā€¦ but maybe itā€™s still good to know that you can set material parameters for a whole scene graph subtree.


@pspeed can i have last one question for u? i think you might know.

What is the best place to put LightProbe generate, to make it generate ā€œfastestā€.

I mean in JME tests i seen it was done in update loop some frame, but is there some method where can put this instead of some frame of update render?

I also tried:

public void initLightProbe(Vector3f vector) {
    if(lightProbe != null){
    enqueue(() -> {
        enqueue(() -> {
            lightProbe = LightProbeFactory.makeProbe(environmentCamera, rootNode, new JobProgressAdapter<LightProbe>() {
                public void done(LightProbe result) {
                    System.err.println("Done rendering env maps");
                    Node tex = EnvMapUtils.getCubeMapCrossDebugViewWithMipMaps(result.getPrefilteredEnvMap(), assetManager);
            ((BoundingSphere) lightProbe.getBounds()).setRadius(1000);
            //lightProbe.setColor(new ColorRGBA(53, 81, 92, 1));
            return "true";
        return "true";

but enqueue dont help somehow. at least if i put this into ā€œsimpleInitAppā€ then there is error that app is not defined (because light probe Environment camera state manager dont initialized app for its state (even if i add it into stateManager before calling this(initLightProbe) method)

Add the environment camera as soon as possible. Then it will exist and be initialised by time you attach a game state.

This will become a non-issue once you have a menu.

yes, you are correct, but i got ā€œTestPreviewā€ files for multiple things, and there i want to see fast how it looks(without menu).

Its not a problem if cant do this in first frame(or on exact init moment), but would be nice.