Blendswap Arcade 19.05-27.05 - It has begun!

@ndebruyn said: My only question now is what should I do? Anyone else getting these errors?

Honestly, I’ve been experiencing too many issues with the model to have gotten anything past what I would like to do for a game so far =(

I’m kind of hoping the contest is pushed off and a new model is chosen (or the current one is fixed… or I’ll end up spending the two weeks just trying to get the model into a usable state for whatever idea I decide to go with).

Ok, I’m gonna take the time to make a proper model that import smoothly into the engine…I’m kinda used to it.

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@nehon said: Ok, I'm gonna take the time to make a proper model that import smoothly into the engine...I'm kinda used to it.

You are the best! I opened Blender only to realize I remember almost NOTHING =(

Yeah, I feel the same.
I have a brilliant idea for a game but now I also spend most of my precious time trying to figure out the model that was actually
supposed to be a given!



@ndebruyn try model from me. It is almost fixed and You have j3o packed. As a quick hack/fix should do :wink:

@ndebruyn said: I am really struggling to work with any of those models. I keep on getting the following error when adding a light source to the rootNode.


A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000000000e7a461c, pid=9020, tid=9876

JRE version: Java™ SE Runtime Environment (7.0_51-b13) (build 1.7.0_51-b13)

Java VM: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (24.51-b03 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)

Problematic frame:

C [ig4icd64.dll+0x26461c]

Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows

An error report file with more information is saved as:


If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.

See problematic frame for where to report the bug.


Do note that no matter what JME is doing, it shouldn’t crash the driver.
C [ig4icd64.dll+0x26461c]

…chalk at least the lion’s share of the issue to intel’s abysmal GPU drivers. Have you upgraded them recently?

Hopefully @nehon’s fixed version works around the issue.

Thanks, I will have a look.

@kamran said: I did improve the wall normal map which I am sharing here hope it helps :) .
Oh, nice. You made this yourself? Then no problem with licensing.. :) What tool did you use?
@kamran said: What I did was use terrain material in JME to apply what ever texture was available with little modification to the textures.
Yeah, saw that - nice trick! A better solution would be a direct import of the material, e.g. with Ogre exporter/importer. The problem is, you cannot expect an artist to manually set materials in the SDK, even though this works.
@kamran said: The problem is that the person who did the modeling of the scene did not use UV mapping to do that texture so for me it would require quite some time to fix that and then apply the baked texture :(
You are absolutely right. Actually you would have 2 UV maps (Blender allows this) or 1 UV map for the trees (which are vertex color mapped). To speed things up, you would pack all trees in one texture, also all the walls. - But .. the real problem is, that there is no automation for lightmaps in Blender or jME (as far, as I know). You would preferably have a large Blender script or a button in the jME SDK that generates those lightmaps and even the necessary UV coords and the texture atlas for the objects (e.g. all trees in one lightmap atlas or half of them in one, the rest in the other). - I would need a long time too, in order to accomplish this and just wasted one or two hours trying to find a good and "fast" way. - One "quite fast" way is to unify the whole model. I made some experiments. This removes the possibility of having those trees mobile and also denies view frustum culling, but it's a possible way. The model consists of many small objects which should be batched anyways (but you lose the possibility to remove some walls or trees during a running game, for example!
@pspeed said: It's a shame because really the whole point of the low-poly style is to take a low-poly model and subject it to high quality lighting and atmospherics. That's what makes them look like something more than a 1990s video game.

Since JME lacks ray tracing, in the spirit of the style, some things will need to be baked in… AO at a minimum if real lighting is used but fully baked lighting could be good for unshaded games.

Anyone who takes time to do this will get 50 imaginary bonus points from me. :slight_smile: I wish my blender chops were better because then I’d do it. It would probably take me much more time than the 5 minutes it would take someone with blender experience though. :slight_smile:

Well, you can use SSAO from jME and shadow mapping from jME. Which then has the advantage of dynamic day/night cycles and support for moving objects.
This costs some runtime computation time though.

My approach is: Have it rendered as cartoon - you also don’t really need normal maps then.
The model has quite low detail overall, so it fits well for cartoon style games. :slight_smile:

I’m starting to believe that a lot of people on this thread are not familiar with the “low-poly” style that is popular right now in some Blender circles. It’s worth looking into because it’s kind of neat.

You are welcome to do whatever you want with the model, I guess.

Here is a zip file with the model. - Google Drive
Proper UVs, with only a diffuse map with baked AO. The map is 2048x2048 which is big, but that’s to have maximum details. Feel free to resize it according to your needs.
The whole model is one mesh.
Just expand the zip in your asset folder.
here is a screen in the SDK

the zip contains the J3o if you guys want the blend file just say it.


Here is a blend file so you can modify it if you want


You are the man!!!
Thank you so much. I will surely use it for my scene.
Thanks for the efforts!
Now I can finally go on with my game.

I would just like to say AGAIN big thanks to nehon for fixing this model.
I am loading it and using it now and it works perfectly.
The baked AO also makes the model feel more real.
Very well done!

@nehon said: Here is a blend file so you can modify it if you want

It’s beautiful, dude. Makes me want to call in sick to work and make a game. :slight_smile: (…if only I had sick days left.)

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Yeah I know what you mean.
I wish I had 100% of my day for game development.
Anyways, thanks again.

Thanks guys, my pleasure.

@pspeed did I earn the 50 imaginary points? :wink:

@pspeed said: It's beautiful, dude. Makes me want to call in sick to work and make a game. :) (...if only I had sick days left.)

I can loan you some sick… if you have the days. =/

Soon! Sooooon… I won’t be anymore muhahahaha… cough haha cough… hack… wheeeeeze

@t0neg0d said: I can loan you some sick... if you have the days. =/

Soon! Sooooon… I won’t be anymore muhahahaha… cough haha cough… hack… wheeeeeze

No, just the opposite… I can’t get sick now or I have to take leave without pay. :-/ I already do several times a week to pick up slack for the wife. Here’s to healthier futures for everyone.

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@nehon said: Thanks guys, my pleasure.

@pspeed did I earn the 50 imaginary points? :wink:

Absolutely. I put in the mail already. :wink: