Bones & skeletal animation - noobs - where to start?

Hey guys !

I need to implement bones & skeletal animation from scratch. (so i don't have any imported data at hands here).

Is there any tutorial / documentation about how to setup skeletal animation and bind it to an existing Spatial ?

Couldnt find anything around here so far.  :?

Thank you

You would have a lot more luck looking at some tutorials from gamasutra or nehe… The have very good bones tutorials, and would be appropriate for implementing your own system.

ehm, with jme ?

There is jme-stuff on gamasutra or nehe ?

I'm searching for a basic introduction into the boning / skinning / skeletal animation stuff in jme, ofc.

Sorry if that wasn't clear until now. :slight_smile:

u need to use a 3d editing tool such as maya, 3d max or etc to animate ur model. then export the model along the bones to either collada or md5.

then use the collada importer or md5 importer to import the animated model into jme.

but if u search alittle on the forum ull find out that collada isnt going to work since jme only takes in the information exported using nc-soft's in house exporter. the one from feeling soft isnt going to work. so md5 really is ur only choice.


ok, here a little history of what we did in our desperation:

  • we tried it already via the collada-format at first, but as you said that didnt work out at all with bones (in fact in some cases it did, in others not - we tried to figure the differences but

    couldnt find anything. It appeared to be "random")
  • so our plan now is to write a FBX to XML format (our format to be read out easily), and then write an importer for that XML-data into JME, which seems to work ALL, but

    I have no clue how to setup the bone & skeletal data "by hand".

    so thats the story :). This is why i need to know how to implement stuff like that from scratch.

}:-@  }:-@  }:-@  }:-@  }:-@  }:-@

At least half the work of what you're planning to do has been done, check this thread:

Let me know if you are interested in the source code.

}:-@  }:-@  }:-@  }:-@  }:-@  }:-@

Ah nice. Will have a look there. And hey, you have 666 posts now. evil. :slight_smile:

koal said:

Ah nice. Will have a look there. And hey, you have 666 posts now. evil. :)

Should have been followed by  }:-@

I edited my post to properly “celebrate” this event :smiley:

Koal, I think I may have something better for you. I updated my new jME XML IO system (locally) to work with joint animations. I’ll commit that tomorrow, after a bit more testing, and keep you updated here.

duenez said:

koal said:

Ah nice. Will have a look there. And hey, you have 666 posts now. evil. :)

Should have been followed by  }:-@

Damn, you're right - guess, i suck at emoticons :)
ah, btw. 10t-corg, thats my real me. (koal is my colleague
whom's account i abused so far.)

Btw. I found out a bit about that skinning / boning non-working with the simple
triangle example. Chances are that its only happening, when at least one vertex
is completley unbound. (its not always happening though.)

hevee, thanks for providing that stuff, will help greatly. :)

XML-IO changes commited, along with a test class using the mobboss collada model that comes with jME.

does md5 using keyframecontroller as in md2? i also tried ms3d(using a free 3d model) with jointcontroller, but then i have a problem because im using maya to make animated model and cant find a way to export it to ms3d, or maybe collada is better for animation in game? i really need a suggestion, because im still not sure which format is better to make a 3d game with jME

gr33nl1nk said:

does md5 using keyframecontroller as in md2? i also tried ms3d(using a free 3d model) with jointcontroller, but then i have a problem because im using maya to make animated model and cant find a way to export it to ms3d, or maybe collada is better for animation in game? i really need a suggestion, because im still not sure which format is better to make a 3d game with jME

no, the md5importer does not use the jme animation system. currently we cant find a solution to that so i wrote a seperate animation system which is very similar to the skinNode/Bone animation system in jme in terms of useage.

collada wont work unless u have the ncsoft inhouse collada exporter.

so for skeletal animation from maya, the only way is md5