Can I disable cartoon edge on a billboard label? It looks weard


Title says it all.

Can I remove the cartoon edge rendering on this name label?

Cartoon edge (post processor) works on the entire scene,(but can be isolated link). @mifth has a shader library, and toonblow I think can already do it for seperate geometries.

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Just add the text on a different viewport

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yeah just create a postViewport and put your label in it.

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or that -.-

Lol at trying this first now.

But as I can’t find out how to create a new viewport I tried to toonblow.

Because toonblow is just what I need. Gives ease of control and is not going to messup my code.

Anyhow, the assetmanager doesn’t seem to find toonblow:

[java]public static Material ToonColor(ColorRGBA color) {

Material mat = new Material(, “Common/MatDefs/ToonBlow/ToonBlow.j3md”);

mat.setColor(“Diffuse”, color);

return mat;


Will give the error:

VARNING: Root Cause: com.jme3.asset.AssetNotFoundException: Common/MatDefs/ToonBlow/ToonBlow.j3md

But you can very well see it here:

So what am I doing wrong?

uhuhuhuhu … Am I the only one to chuckle reading “toonBlow”? don’t search this on google image with the safe filter off guys…

@Addez…mhh you are aware that this repo is not the official JME repo, right?

It means you have to include the shaderBlow lib made by @mifth. It’s not in JME3.

Hum… Even tho I downloaded the j3md file and then created a new folder with it in in the mathdef folder it couldnt find it.

So how do you create a normal new postprocessor? Because I assume this is one of those unsolved things that takes weeks to solve so

I might just skip it and do the same thing using postprocessor method instead…

afaik toonBlow is not a post process it’s a stand alone material.

It couldn’t find it probably because the path to the shaders inside the j3md file are not pointing to your asset folder.

Hence i told you to download the whole lib…

yeah, just download it:

Ahh oke.

Well I downloaded it now and extracted it in the same folder as the Common folder is. In the source folder that is.

Then I changed the path to “jme-glsl-shaders/assets/MatDefs/ToonBlow/ToonBlow.j3md”

But it still can’t find it. Should I register the location or someting?

@mifth why don’t you just do a jar of your project?

That would be very kind of you :slight_smile:

If you did that, all I had to do was place it among the other jar files right?

@Addez , just copy “assets” and “sources” folders to you project and everything will be working.

@nehon , I do not know how to make it. I’m more 3d artist than a programmer. :frowning: I can add you as a memeber of the project and you can make this plugin. :slight_smile: Or can you make a plugin template?

@mifth said:
@Addez , just copy "assets" and "sources" folders to you project and everything will be working.

This is really only true if a) you are using JMP/SDK or b) you have Eclipse setup to build a proper assets jar from the assets folder and/or include the assets folder in the classpath.

A jar would remove a few steps for those struggling with third party tools, I guess.


As usuall I do not understnad the solution and nothing is solved.

I’v already copied the whole libary into the jme source folder.

I added it to the project, but then I have to modefy ALL java files because they are no longer in packagename but in src.packagename.

After doing such mindkilling task on 20 files I was no suprised to find that it didn’t help a shit.

Can someone just tell me how I create a postprocessor?!

If I knew that I’ll skip the whole plugin because all plugins hate me and I hate them the more -.-

alright, let’s start from the beginning

You want the post process effect to not affect the labels over your character.

You are using the cartoonEdge filter.

as mentioned before you can create a new viewport and add the labels to them. You can have information about creating viewports in the test repo in the TestMultiViewport test case. But it seems you already get down that road (maybe not down enough) and it didn’t went well.

However there is maybe an easier way, that is not really made for that purpose but that might work fairly good.

keep your cartoon edge filter, place all billboard labels in the Translucent Bucket.

Then add a TranslucentBucketFilter at the end of your filter stack.

This will render the billboards after the cartoon edge filter, so they won’t be affected by the effect.

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Most of these things are fairly basic Java concepts and I think Eclipse is making things hard for you. I understand you want to use it but that’s where a lot of the struggle is coming from. And the intersection of people who use JME and Eclipse is a relatively small percentage of the community so help is probably slower to come. However, I will try to answer as best I can considering I don’t use Eclipse…

If you have to put src.packagename in all of the files then that means Eclipse is setup wrong for those sources or they weren’t placed in the proper Eclipse-friendly directories to being with. My one experience with Eclipse was many years ago and I spent 20 minutes poking at it trying to get it to do anything before closing it and going back to work. So I’m the wrong person to help set that up.

In order for your JME applications to find assets they also need to be on the classpath. So if the assets folder isn’t on the classpath then you will go through tons of trouble mostly. Others have gotten this part to work.

Other than the lack of useful plugins, I think those are the two biggest setup issues Eclipse users face, I guess.

re: post processors…

There’s nothing special about writing a post processor. I tried to make the depth of field filter a relatively easy example to follow. Write a class that implements the right interface, have it setup the materials, add it to the filter post processor.

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