Can't import animations from belnder?


I was looking at the tutorials for how to animate in jME.

I noticed that you dont have any type of import animation methods…

I can't use the animaitons I did in blender, in jME am I right?

Awsome :smiley:

I got one new problem then…

Im taking this tutorial on how to use that export with jME:

But in that tutorial I get a file, which is suppose to install OGRE Meshes and OGRE Scene.

But it only installs Meshes, not the scene exporter…

Any idea how i can find the scene exporter?

Addez wrote:
Any idea how i can find the scene exporter?

Provides links to the various OgreXml stuff for blender.

Remember, after installing the script in the blender export choices there are two seperate export options, one for 'OGRE Meshs' and one for 'OGRE Scene'
Addez wrote:
I can't use the animaitons I did in blender, in jME am I right?

Use a model format that supports animations, ideally the OgreXml exporter (as IMO it's the best model importer for jME2 and I believe it's the preferred animated model format for jME3 as well).

Example of import code for jME2
- jmetest.ogrexml.TestInstancing

Thanks alot :smiley:

That was the problem, i had installed the file package which should include meshes and scene but the scene didnt appear. so i downloaded scene seperatly from the wiki and now it works!

Thanks alot! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: