Clipping Vertices in a shader programm


i'm new in using pixel and vertexshader. now i want render realistic water (  shader are sooo nice ! !! ) and need to clip vertices of my scene under the water surface (vertex.y<0) but have no idea how to do this in a vertexshader. anyone an idea ?

thank you


did anyone have a tip for a good glsl book ?


OpenGL Shading Language, Second Edition

Randi J. Rost

Addison Wesley Professional


Take a look at ClipState, this should meet your needs.

mojomonk said:

Take a look at ClipState, this should meet your needs.

yes i do so.. but clipstate dont works in combination with shader (on my 6600gt)

Are you sure you have the clipstate set correctly? It works for me on a 6800GS for a water shader.