Clone uvs


i modify some uvs of a particular mesh for an animation
and all the same objects are animated, even if i animate only one object

i update the uvs by doing neonTexcoords.setUpdateNeeded();

i tried cloning the uv buffer
neonTexcoords = me.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord).clone();
uvs =(FloatBuffer) neonTexcoords.getData();

i tried cloning the material

i tried cloning the mesh

Geometry geo=(Geometry) ((Node)neon).getChild(0);
Mesh me=geo.getMesh().clone();

i tried all three cloning methods at the same time

nothing works

if i modify the uvs of one object, all the objects are modified

can someone give me some clue ?


you have a mesh.deepClone that clones all the buffers of the mesh

<cite>@nehon said:</cite> you have a mesh.deepClone that clones all the buffers of the mesh

thx man, you definetly saved my day

still can’t understand why it is not working as i separated all materials/mesh/uvs

but this works
keeeeewl !

well this code
neonTexcoords = me.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord).clone();
uvs = ( FloatBuffer ) neonTexcoords.getData();
is not cloning the FloatBuffer, you are just reusing it in another vertex buffer, so basically you use the same for all meshes