In my post I’m gonna introduce a tool for converting 3d models material type to standard type which is supported by our JME and blender.(for example from VRay material type to Standard Material or any other type).
Converting Max VRay Materials to Standard Materials - TurboSquid Blog
Many artists use VRay materials and don’t convert their models into a
standard format before exporting into one of the exchange formats. If
you export a model with VRay materials attached, it will cause the
materials to default to the color gray when importing the model into
another program. Also, the texture paths on the VRay export will be
erased. If you convert your model to a standard format before
exporting, it will be easier for customers to adjust materials and add
Today I ran to issue mentioned above !
After searching the web I could find the solution.
first there is a manual way which is described in above tip.
but the more easy way is to use an script to do it for you.
[Autodesk Material Converter][1] which is commercial
[MultyConvertor][2] is free . (I am using this one)
[Material Converter v.1.24][3] is free
You need to download it and run script in 3ds Max.
As you can see in above picture the material type is VRayMtl. So if you export it to blender without converting the material, blender will not be able to open the material. (The texture path also will be cleared.)
After mapping texture for material now you can export it to FBX or OpenCallada (not Autodesk Collada) or any supported format . then import it in blender → save as .blend → JME
Hi. I would rly love to use MultyConverter but im having trubble with it.
Im newbie and I wonder if u could help me a little.
Following the “readme” i’ve unrared the scritp in 3ds max instalation folder. After running MultyConverter.mse via Scripting ->run Script only this appears.
What am I doing wrong?
Hello,I’m trying to use MultyConverter and follow your steps exactly,but finally I don’t know how to finish it.Should I ckick “Save links” button? But nothing happened,In my material editor,some materials remain VRayMtl,as the picture shows.
Thank you for your help! Actually, I have referenced babylonjs documention and tried to export 3ds max scene as .glb, but babylon do not support vray materials, so I want to look for a plugin which can convert vray materials to standards material so that I don’t need to convert VrayMtls one by one manually. When I can’t use this plugin, I can only convert it myself. Anyway, thanks for your suggestions!
Nice tutorial, but I would add some addition. Perhaps for the readers of this blog it will be useful.
Firstly: the author recommends the UMC (universal material converter) plugin for converting materials, which actually converts materials very badly and spoils them a lot. After converting materials with this converter, almost all materials have to be manually corrected, since they cannot be used. And this despite the fact that it is very expensive - almost $ 100.
Secondly: the author also recommends the MultiConvertor plugin for converting materials, which is difficult to use for ordinary users, because to use it, you need to know maxscript at least at an initial level, and even so, the result is not guaranteed. Moreover, this plugin has not been updated for a very long time.
I tried many different converters and settled on just one that I really like and helps me a lot in my daily work. This is the V-RayMtl Converter plugin:
Although it is paid, it is very cheap compared to the same UMC!
The main advantage of this plugin is that it is very easy to use, it has a lot of all sorts of additional options that allow you to transform materials with maximum accuracy. And also, it allows you to convert materials in multiple 3ds max files in one go!