(December 2020) Monthly WIP Screenshot Thread

Starting the thread late this month.

A small thing. Because I didn’t get as many major things done as I wanted to over Thanksgiving break, it left me at a point where I could polish something else instead. This has led to adding some new things to Lemur.

I already posted about the ‘selector’ GUI element before but now there are also Spinners:

The value can be edited directly or the +/- buttons can be used to raise/lower it by an amount configured in the model. With this came a new SequenceModel which is what it uses to next/previous. In this case it’s a floating point model but it could just as easily be days of the week, etc… bounded or unbouned (rolls around circularly). It’s up the model.

I’m going to use these to make a vector3f editor.

Also as part of this I refactored ListBox’s CellRenderer into a more general ValueRenderer with some default implementations and factory methods. (CellRenderer now extends ValueRenderer). ListBox, Selector, and Spinner all use ValueRenderer to display their value.

For Spinner, I also started building out a ValueEditor interface and some default implementations. This is what is used to edit the value in the spinner.

These are both also necessary for someday having a Table with editable cells. I’m still trying to get done with this project without making a Table element but it may come to that anyway. It would make hand editing vertex data a lot easier.

Edit: these new things are in LemurProto on Lemur’s master branch. The APIs may still be a little in flux but they are probably pretty close.


Adding slow motion animation / scene freeze to my fighting game to make a strong hit or KO more dramatic


i have made a new library that makes you able to use JME Renderer as a SurfaceView on an XML layout Resource & attach that to an AppCompatActivity w/o using the whole activity for jmeRender as AndroidHarness/FragmentHarness Do

Edit : it’s like making the game a background to specific activity design , you can now integrate a JME game context to any application design , even without fullscreen mode , in LinearLayouts,FrameLayouts

example of using SeekBars,Buttons,ImageViews & you can use a Recycler as well

Now JmeRenderer is an androidView treated as XML tag(AttributeSet) & then the game instance is settled in java


Hi everyone, below is a video demo of the evolutions that I am adding to the archer template. Arrows are now physical objects affected by gravity with trajectory prediction. There are 3 types of arrows:

  • normal (The normal arrows stick to surfaces)
  • explosive
  • acid

Third person camera with collision detection. I will post the source code on github for those who want to help improve it. In the meantime I thank @sgold for the ideas and code examples he gave me.


Apart from archer missing an actual bow, this looks pretty cool :+1:
You taking PRs? I’d love to add some post processing magic to make it look nicer if I find the time.


I gladly accept your contribution @grizeldi. Anyone with ideas to improve it, is free to send me PR. I don’t like coding alone, I prefer to exchange ideas with the community. This is why my codes will always be available to everyone.

Here’s the code


Took some time and worked on the graphics of @capdevon’s template a bit. And boy does PBR and a bit of post processing make a difference.




great artwork and graphics! The design is definitely much more attractive now. :wink:

Wow, what post processing added the god ray?

Would love to see a few seconds of gameplay with these effects

It’s a stock jme LightScatteringFilter, with a MipMapBloomFilter from ShaderBlowEx in scene mode over it.

I’ll do a video once I’m done with the graphics upgrades. As it stands right now, the particles look rather out of place (read: bad) after the PBR upgrade, though I’m not particularly good with VFX, but I’ll still give it a shot. I’m also somewhat annoyed that an archery template doesn’t actually contain a bow, so fixing that is also on my todo list before I consider it done and submit all my changes as a PR back to the main repo.

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Playing with kitbash models in scene, finally got the shaders working with PBR (had to get the new kitbash files from the website, I guess mine were old and had issues). I threw some god rays in for good measure :wink: thanks for the tip @grizeldi.


After a few years of no gamedev here is the result of the first day:

-Client-Server model, server updates 10 times per second
-Nice orbit camera
-some droids moving to a random location on (or near) the grid


I just finished implementing my own game loop on Java FX. I’m a big timer now. I’m not using any helper animator classes provided by java.

Alan Turing would be proud. :grin:


Trying PBR Lighting on android :joy:fps is dead :dizzy_face:


i dont even see pbr here

I have used it with the car & the ball only , not the ground , the ground is just Lighting matDef

yes, but why did you used it, while you not use its features? car/ball looks like single color, so it will look same if use phong here.


I finally was able to pull off an environment texture technique I had in my mind for some time. The idea is to have one big geometry, then use alpha masking on a smaller section of it while making sure to align the vertex and texture scale of the second geometry. The benefit is that I can have a large open grass space, but only paint the dirt road on a sub-section of it.


What are the different PBR material parameters , that you recommend using to make the game more attractive generally ? , I am using Metalness , RoughNess , Specular color , Basecolor(diffuse) & LightDir but may be the values are not so manifested in images plus I am not currently using SpecularMaps or Tex2DMaps