Disabling collision detection on CharacterControl

I’m trying to have the ability to turn on/off collision detection with CharacterControl. I tried this but that doesn’t appear to work and I don’t know why:

fun enableCollisions(collisions: Boolean) {
    if (collisions) {
        player.character.collisionShape = CapsuleCollisionShape(0.4f, 1.8f, 1)
    } else {
        player.character.collisionShape = EmptyShape(true)

Any other options? Thanks!


fun enableCollisions(collisions: Boolean) {
    if (collisions) {
        player.character.collisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_01
        player.character.collideWithGroups = COLLISION_GROUP_01
    } else {
        player.character.collisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_02
        player.character.collideWithGroups = COLLISION_GROUP_02
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you can either put the objects in different collision groups or you could write a filter. Filters are evaluated before the collision.


You can try CharacterControl.addToIgnoreList indicating the physics controls you whould like to avoid having collision with

yes, but in this case I want to disable collision detection with everything. It’s basically for an ‘edit mode’ in my game