Do you know of any mentionworthy jME progress?

I got this idea that I wanted to make a pr-push for jME by putting together a compilation of the latest and greatest changes and advancements surrounding jMonkeyEngine as a project. It would be posted in our own news, as well as several forums and bigger mediums such as, which allows open writing.

Here’s the mentionworthy changes and projects I can think of:


  • New management & hosting (including the impressive fact that jME 2.0 charges on completely community-driven; this might make for an article of its own…)
  • on the verge of 3.0
  • Just linking to all of our cool YouTube videos.

  • Imperii - jME-based game wins in two categories in
  • Grappling Hook - An innovative and polished game; the perfect example of what type of indie games this engine wants to be squeezing out.
  • Project Wonderland - Not a game to any man’s definition, but the technology is by and large the same, and at an advanced level at that.
  • Gen - The Room - FPS/puzzle game to be released open source! Also to be revealed at the “national software presentation”.
  • Pororocas - Surfgame with the Wiiboard!

    Tools & Accessories:
  • HottBJ - Drastically improved art pipeline for jME
  • SpaceNet GUI - A new take on GUI framework
  • SceneWorker - Advanced scene management with great ease of use and a bright future in fusion with other related tools.
  • Mapspinner - Shape and mold your terrain in lightning speed!

  • Betaville - Dont’ know too much about it yet, but it’s being run by a quite large entity with high standards and a big scope.
  • Poisonville - Awesome looking MMO, but the creators might have a say in what they want in ‘public’ outside of their own domain.
  • Augmented Reality with jME, ex1, ex2

    More suggestions please! I would like to post this shortly after we’ve moved to our new server.

@lanmower: I kinda knew that (had to be a reason why there's been a discussion about building an actual terrain editor) but like you said, the shaping of the terrain is the coolest visual side of it so far :wink: That's why I think the 'shaping of terrain' is a good hook for it, so that when people see the brief description and the awesome pics they rush off to check it out.

And ye guys, ask your boss if you could get to just reveal a tiny snippet of your project, be it text or imagery, I'm sure they could be convinced.

OMG I'm noticed!

thanks erlend_sh, however terrain shaping for mapspinner is just a bonus feature really, the real power behind it is the infinity, compression and threadedness of mapspinner.

The point is to have a really huge map that streams in small bits :slight_smile:

But I have to confess, shaping is real good fun and its the first thing that really shows the magic underneath the code.

Well, I think there are MUCH more projects out there that are (just as mine) commercial and absolutely closed to the public. I did my best to even hide the entity of the company i work for. I'll ask the boss if and what he is prepared to put out in the open.

Read you later.

Nasa use JME

Im involved full time on a project that uses JME for a commercial non open source project, just can announce it yet…


May be a few leads you could chase up ?

theprism said:


May be a few leads you could chase up ?
True, but I'm also a bit reluctant to linger too much in the past. I want people to see what jME is capable of today, and what is happening as we speak. The older projects serve their purpose better as a 'hall of fame' type of listing on some page of reference on our website. We obviously don't have much going for us if we're constantly showcasing the same projects.

Most, if not all of those JavaOne projects are still jME1 :expressionless:

We gotta crank up the heat!

Will also make an appearance and GamesCom.

I will only be for one day as a visitor at the GamesCom, because I have an invitation for a marriage in bulgaria at the next day.
So, no Grappling Hook presentation at the GamesCom. :/

The choice of the mentionworthy jME progress that excludes both NASA World Wind and Sun's Project Wonderland is disappointing in my humble opinion. erlend_sh, you should have asked "Do you know of any mentionworthy jME progress that does not use JOGL?" in order to express clearly your position. I'm fed up.

I don't understand you gouessej, it was never stated that something was excluded and World Wind doesn't use jme.

So i don't get your point.

Project Wonderland uses Java 3D. ( )

I was not able to find any reference to jME on their website.

gouessej said:

The choice of the mentionworthy jME progress that excludes both NASA World Wind and Sun's Project Wonderland is disappointing in my humble opinion. erlend_sh, you should have asked "Do you know of any mentionworthy jME progress that does not use JOGL?" in order to express clearly your position. I'm fed up.

i don't see in the original post where he exclusively mentions lwjgl based jme projects only?
gouessej said:

The choice of the mentionworthy jME progress that excludes both NASA World Wind and Sun's Project Wonderland is disappointing in my humble opinion. erlend_sh, you should have asked "Do you know of any mentionworthy jME progress that does not use JOGL?" in order to express clearly your position. I'm fed up.

Jogl jogl jogl :( life is choice man u almost seem angered that people don't share your seemingly mad infatuation with jogl, devs have a choice and as far as some might be concerned, renderer choice might not be something to loose sleep over, at this time, as the lwjgl is a bit more mature in the engine and again, "life is choice" and I am certain that many appreciate that your work as given them that choice, that choice though still remain theirs, stop trying to stuff it down peoples throats :x. from the beginning your posturings often sounded like u wanted lwjgl out in favour of jogl, what for................... really man

Check out Gen - The Room, being worked on by blue_veek…  looks really nice!

JackNeil said:

Project Wonderland uses Java 3D. ( )
I was not able to find any reference to jME on their website.

We already spoke about it here:

Today I stumbled on a blog and found that in the section Towards Wonderland 0.5 subsection What are the goals for 0.5?, they state they have moved their graphics core to be based on the more modern jMonkeyEngine.

Look at Wikipedia:
The graphic engine is going to be replaced with jMonkeyEngine in release 0.5, due for Fall 2008.

This is on the wiki of this project:
Another major change in 0.5 is replacing Java3D with the more modern jMonkeyEngine (JME) scene graph.

I admit that it is quite unclear and the first time I saw their website, I found no mention of JME 2. Then, I gave a look at the source code, I sent an email to one of their developers because it was difficult to see which branch was using it.

mcbeth said:

from the beginning your posturings often sounded like u wanted lwjgl out in favour of jogl, what for................... really man

No, I only want to see at least one project using the JOGL renderer in this "compilation" suggested by erlend_sh (not mine as it is not mature enough).
gouessej said:

No, I only want to see at least one project using the JOGL renderer in this "compilation" suggested by erlend_sh (not mine as it is not mature enough).

but the question still begs, to what end, If u are showing of what jme can offer, of what major relevance is the underlying binding to that cause, apart from that fact that the choice exists, and the performance is comparatively similar, binding choice is at best a peripheral concern.
gouessej said:

The choice of the mentionworthy jME progress that excludes both NASA World Wind and Sun's Project Wonderland is disappointing in my humble opinion.
Oh Wonderland is an obvious slip-up. Added it right away.

As for World Wind though, I don't know... Their data is scattered and largely outdated, and I don't see where jME is mentioned; on-site I find mention of NET, while on their SF listing (which is the only indicator they're still active, because there are some recent commits) they seem to at least have a Java version of their software. Most importantly though, NASA was always one of renanse's contacts, and I believe the capabilities of his Ardor3D engine suits their needs better, so if they are still in fact actively developing, I wouldn't be surprised (nor disappointed) if they chose to move on to Ardor3D. If you have information that points elsewhere, do share :)

PS. I have sent them an e-mail to 'investigate'.

erlend_sh, you should have asked "Do you know of any mentionworthy jME progress that does not use JOGL?" in order to express clearly your position. I'm fed up.

I wish you could show a bit more faith in me and Momoko_Fan goussej. When you expressed concern that JOGL would be left behind in jME3 development, Momoko_Fan diligently followed up on your concern with a showcase of JOGL rendering, and though we haven't advertised it much we have been communicating with the Wonderland team for them to start committing back their improvements to the public repo, as well as evaluate the new 3.0 branch.

When it comes to JOGL support in jME2 (and encouragement for its use) there's little we can do about it, but you seem to have been taking a great initiative on that matter yourself.

I assure you, this thread is geared at all projects and it was never my intention to withhold any JOGL related projects worth mentioning, so thank you for your suggestions.
sbook said:

Check out Gen - The Room, being worked on by blue_veek..  looks really nice!

cookies for you :D
blue_veek said:

cookies for you :D

your cookies parameter has returned "nom nom".. now i want milk. XD