EffectTrack is Deprecated! where is new way to get EffectTrack Effect?

EffectTrack is Deprecated! where is new way to get EffectTrack Effect?

I’m not aware of any class(es) to replace EffectTrack. What do you wish to accomplish?

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the model have ParticleEmitter Animation,how can do this in new Anim?In my world. the old animation like javaio new anim like nio.

You want to start the emitter at a particular time or frame during a particular animation?

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One solution would be to create a Tween that starts the emitter at the desired time. Then create another Tween that runs the first Tween in parallel with the animation clip. Then create an Action from that Tween (using AnimComposer) and make it the current action.

See com.jme3.anim.tween.Tweens for hints:

An alternative approach would be to use cinematics: create a class that extends AbstractCinematicEvent and triggers a specified emitter. (I think JME ought to provide such a class, but I don’t believe it currently does.) Then create a Cinematic and add both the custom event and an appropriate AnimEvent to it, with the desired start times.

There’s also the call method tween which can be used to trigger things arbitrarily in a sequence. sequence(callMethod(start), delay(), callMethod(end))) or whatever.

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