Enabling filtering modes on videocard

Is it possible to enable BI or TRI linear texture filtering with JME? What about turning on AA or AF modes? Assuming the hardware supports it of course :)  I know lwjgl supports this, but is that interface exposed in JME?

When you create a texture use FM_LINEAR for the filter and MM_LINEAR_LINEAR for the mipmap mode to get trilinear filtering, use Texture.setAnisoLevel() to set anisotropy.

Mipmap mode? but i'm not using any mipmaps. Is trilinear filtering still going to work?

Momoko_Fan said:

When you create a texture use FM_LINEAR for the filter and MM_LINEAR_LINEAR for the mipmap mode to get trilinear filtering, use Texture.setAnisoLevel() to set anisotropy.

Mipmaps are autogenerated in most cases (unless you are using a texture format that supplies them)

Also, you can set up your display to do FSAA using DisplaySystems setMinSamples prior to creating your window.  If you are extending simplegame, you would set the samples field instead, usually in your game constructor.