Engine Versions 3.3.x

Then maybe related to the quote below:

 * If the GPU supports OpenGL2 or later, then the OpenGL2.0 renderer will
 * be used, otherwise, the OpenGL1.1 renderer is used.

To enforce OpenGL 2.0?
I guess we will never know what the motivation behind this was, but it prevents the SDK from using the 3.2 Core Profile as it renders in that AWT Panels.

I guess itā€™s fine to remove the line.

We try really hard to make it safe to upgrade to point releases because it avoids accidentally teaching folks never to upgrade.

I struggle to imagine a case where this particular fix causes a problem these days, though.


I see that issue 1336: AWTPanels forcing OpenGL 2.0 is still open. Whatā€™s needed to resolve that issue?

I guess now just a commit to remove this line, provided that we will cherry pick it to 3.3

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Okay, Iā€™ll take care of it.


Iā€™m trying to decide whether PR 1342: Fixes #1341: AudioBuffer.updateData only allows direct buffers should be integrated into 3.3.1 . Any opinions?

I think itā€™s probably ok. I think the only users that would see an adverse change in behavior (ie: their code stops working when it worked before) are the ones who create their own buffers and then never play the audio. Both seem rare enough on their own, together even rarer.


Iā€™ve picked many cherries to the v3.3 branch. Iā€™ll begin writing a description for the 3.3.1 release.

Iā€™d appreciate help testing the current release candidate (aka commit a150deb). I will test on Windows and Linux, but I donā€™t have a macOS or Android setup. Also, extra eyes will improve our odds of noticing any issues.

ā€œ@tonihele, have you your axe ready?ā€


Iā€™ll do some macOS testing tomorrow.

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Iā€™ll get my small axe tomorrow then. Maybe see that we can still run OpenKeeper and few tests. I donā€™t have mac nor Android setup either.

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Iā€™ll do some macOS testing tomorrow.

Iā€™ll get my small axe tomorrow then. Maybe see that we can still run OpenKeeper and few tests.

I promise at least 72 hours for testing, and I thank you both in advance for whatever you can accomplish!

Hereā€™s the latest draft of the release description:

A v3.3 patch release with the following changes relative to v3.3.0-stable:

  1. bugfixes in libraries
  2. various improvements to tests and examples
  3. various improvements to javadoc and code formatting

So far, my testing has uncovered a few new issues:

I understand 1351 and donā€™t consider it a showstopper. I need help analyzing 1353 and 1354, however.

Iā€™m halfway through the examples.

Issues so far:

I also found the #1354 error in TestAwtPanels.

Other issues where Iā€™m unsure I should create a ticket for:

  • TestAnimMorphSerialization ā†’ throws an com.jme3.asset.AssetNotFoundException: Models/gltf/zophrac/scene.gltf
  • TestTessellationShader ā†’ requires GLSL400 but doesnā€™t set the Renderer to OpenGL4 (throws error when running by default on OpenGL2)
  • TestGeometryShader ā†’ requires GLSL330 but doesnā€™t set the Renderer to OpenGL33 (throws error when running by default on OpenGL2)
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This is an ā€œissueā€ with you running mesa drivers on linux, correct?

Default openGL2 is ā€œcompatā€ profile, so usually up to what your GPU Supports, so it is 4.4 for the rest of the world :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh, I am stupid. But the same applies here, on Mac OS we have to setup the core profile otherwise we are in the 2.0 Core Profile.

That being said, I think we can only go to 3.2 or 3.3, so Tessellation wonā€™t work.
Itā€™s a good thing, adding the core profiles to the relevant Tests though, I guess.


Indeed, when correctly setting the core profile there is no issue (speaking only for Mac). Thatā€™s why I was not sure if I should create an issue for it.
Iā€™m also a fan of setting the correct core profile depending on what you try to test. It makes the test application very clear on the requirements.


The TestAnimMorphSerialization crash is a known issue, but I canā€™t look up the number at the moment due to a network or GitHub issue.

Edit: I was thinking of issue 1089, which is slightly different. I assume the TestAnimMorphSerialization is simply a matter of needing to download the model from Sketchfab, but you might as well open a ticket so we can discuss it more easily.

I reverted the fix to issue 1336. We have a new 3.3.1 release candidate: a667f5e

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Iā€™m looking for a PR to configure appropriate core profiles in jme3-examples. Do I have a volunteer?

Iā€™ll do it.

edit: Set the minimum required OpenGL profiles for the geometry and tessellation shader test cases by rvandoosselaer Ā· Pull Request #1358 Ā· jMonkeyEngine/jmonkeyengine Ā· GitHub

Added for the Geometry and Tessellation shader examples. If I come across more examples, Iā€™ll add them too.