The moon (Io in this case) is rendered off-screen and then composited into the sky using SkyControl. The dark areas of the moon, which look black at night, turn blue during the day, yet stars do not shine through them.
Very pretty. This is really turning out nice.
And yeah, the 'see stars through the moon" thing is something that really bugs me about my current Mythruna implementation but I already have a plan to solve that a different way someday. It’s fun to hear people complain about it, though. Shows they are paying attention.
On the next picture you can see the smoke coming out of the exhaust.
This is pretty much the final version of the game, so constructive criticism is welcome. Or required.
Please also give me your opinion as a gamer.
Also, @pspeed how well am I doing with the lighting on my game?
Please disregard the Heads Up Display (HUD). I haven’t worked on it so it’s hard to see, and has typos, I know. Again, I haven’t worked on it for a while.
@pspeed I’m using DirectionalLightShadowRender. I wish I could use the post processor shadows, but android doesn’t support them. I guess I’ll have to optimize for pc afterwards.
@Pixelapp said:
@pspeed I'm using DirectionalLightShadowRender. I wish I could use the post processor shadows, but android doesn't support them. I guess I'll have to optimize for pc afterwards.
If you are talking about JME’s post shadows then they should give about the same effect.
People are getting lazy with their updates. @benmitchellperry for instance, I saw that tumblr update of yours, get your beautiful Copod booty over here!
Goal: using a high detail terrain on gpu’s where possible. Basically a new terrain system with a transparent fallback to old terrain code.
Target: very large terrains, with large range of view
Note, TerrainQuad would probably perform better if i would be able to set patchsizes > 250.
Whats to do: Rewrite/Optimize shaders so that the result is as similar as possible
I hate to follow @nehon’s awesome models but I finally have something to show and this has been a crappy month for progress.
Here is a screen shot of Mythruna’s book-based user interface component integrated into the main menu. Still a lot of fleshing out to do on the actual pages: