1st Descent supported -vfx key. I remember cause I played it in this mode… not having vfx of course
Descent was an awesome game and yes, it definitely supported VFX-1. I played it many times this way. It was the only game I played with stereo support. They pretty much supported everything.
That engine was so tricky… all they did with no perspective correct texture mapping. Just crazy.
Yeah it was a truly next step in 3D after Doom. 6DOF, yay!
But Doom at least had perspective correct texture mapping where as Descent only used affine mapping and then clever level design.
Uhh no offense, but this doesn’t look like a gun to me at all.
None taken, it’s an alien gun, it’s not supposed to look like a normal gun at all! That means I did it right!
I am currently working on a “Remake” of the well-known game “Battleships” which I played a lot when I was a child. So I decided to develop this game in 3D by using jMonkeyEngine!
This time I spent much more time planning my whole application. There are a lot of people who like things seperated such as (game) logic and visualization. So I decided to follow this pattern this time as well and I have to say that I came pretty far in a very short time.
Thats what I did:
- Fully implemented game logic
- First graphical visualization (nothing special but it can be replaced very easily)
- Singleplayer (human against human and human against computer(still need to be done))
- Multiplayer mode (working without any problems)
- Shoot animations
- Auto Set (for ship placement)
Singleplayer mode against the computer (I still have to implement the “AI”, for now I am the computer)
Multiplayer game
As you can see the logic of the game is pretty much done, now I will focus on graphics, including ship models, sounds, special effects and so on.
However, I hope you like it and I probably will show a video including some gameplay when I have something new to show!
I do kind of wonder what an AI for that game is considering that I would just pick random fields and if i hit something i’d test the fields next to it.
I’m currently trying to solve a problem that was bugging me for a long time, so far i have a basic ik solver (FABRIK) and implemented a first constraint, still lots of stuff to do.
I might request some help later once i’m close to finishing this up for some integration with one of the blender loaders, probably xbuf.
You think you pick random fields, but the decisions are probably made based on hundreds of (subconscious) factors. Humans are notoriously non-random in decision making.
I think a Battleship AI could be a very interesting project and taken to extremes.
Apart from the most obvious: I hit something, where do I place the next shot? (which includes decision making based on previous hits, sunk ships, etc)
Common ship distributions (some spots are more likely than others to contain ships)
Analyzing previous plays to find patterns
Analyzing optimal ship distributions (when are my ships least likely to get hit)
They’re also notoriously non-absolutely-rational. So it depends also on the definition of “good AI” - is it absolutely logical, or indistinguishable “human-like”…
Back in school times we played “heavily modded” version of battleships, even before modding games became a mainstream :chimpanzee_amused:
Minefields forcing opponent to surrender one of his ships, sonar stations forcing opponent to reveal part of his field, late deployment of certain types of ships (counted as lost if not deployed before there is no suitable spot on map). Supervision of third person was required to prevent cheating, though - it’s easy as hell to delay placement of small objects whele they have to be placed beforehand according to rules.
I’m working on a visual 2d editor for Jmonkey. It’s 99% complete just doing some touch up now. This is a part of my Jpony kit. For now it’s very limited and only supports five controls ; image , button , label , editable single line text box and a dialogue box which is multi line text box that can store huge amounts of text in pages. I plan on adding in a support for animated images and a slider control later.
How do you store created interfaces? Some text format, or binary?
Edit: didn’t see another thread, I’ll have a look, thanks!
Does the interface editor use lemur under the hood
Why have you decided to use swing UI toolkit?
No , it’s built right on top of JME.
@javasabr Because of the visual editor. I didn’t want to spend mass amounts of time manually editing nifty/ lemur to make an interface. I must say the Jtree control is hyper sensitive if you look at it wrong it will give an error.
I think the javaFX is the best option in a case like this
I just found out today that texture mapping was a thing in Blender…I guess you could call that progress?