Flesh Snatcher : FPS / Survival

Hello !

I’ve put a new demo version online, with several code improvements :

  • resolution of the main collision problems (staying trapped in corners, etc…) by revision of the BSP trace algorithm.

  • Implementation of a scenery management system : now we can add, remove or load pieces of scenery from scripts in the map. I improved too the PVS system, which avoids now some bugs.

  • I noticed that my insertion of convex brushes in a BSP tree algorithms were totally bugged !! That’s why enemies behaviors were sometimes weird. Too many brushes were added, so I made routines that remove the unnecessary brushes. Now collisions are faster and more precise :wink: .

    I also made a new piece of scenery, the most courageous of you can see it, and also hear a new end music version, by my brother himself ^^ !!


+1 @nics

Great Job! Keep up the good work! Looks like you’re almost there!!!

I did want to ask you a question about your project though…

I noticed that in your update you state that you’ve been optimizing/updating your BSP tree algorithms. I searched through previous posts and saw that you were using the BSP tree for collisions, and was wondering if that’s all you were using it for?


good work, feels a lot tighter than last time I played, great progress :slight_smile:

My only feedback is it may help to scale mouse sensitivity with the zoom… when zoomed in the mouse is way too responsive - probably since changes in camera angle are way more pronounced with narrower frustums .


Thanks a lot !

For the BSP’s, yes, that’s the basic structure of all the collision features in the game :wink: . In fact, I have 2 collision classes : BSP’s and heightmaps, but these ones are composed of little BSP cells, so the collision algorithms can get planes from all structures :wink: . And these structures are surrounded by bounding shapes which are BSP too :smiley: !


Thank you very much, and you’re right for the mouse : I’ll set the sensitivity according to the focal :wink: . currently, that’s almost unplayable…


I post just to give a few news :

the modeling of my castle progresses well, I think I’ll finish the level at the end of this mounth :wink: .

Now, I try to insert the lights, it’s not easy on more complex geometries…

Here are a few parts of what I’ve done :

…some funny details :smiley: ?


this week, intensive modeling ! The level scenery is almost finshed (but as usual, I’m not totally satisfied…), and the next demo will be released probably in a week, time to “populate” the level :wink: .

And here are the usual screenshots :smiley: , showing the try to have a more “survival” ambiance :


Hello !

Here we are, the new demo is online at least !!

It’s on http://fleshsnatcher.sourceforge.net/demo/

Standalone version + sources : http://sourceforge.net/projects/fleshsnatcher/

But I must say I’m not satisfied of it… I spent the last mounth searching new gameplay ideas, without real result, so I give a demo a bit empty and repetitive…

That’s why I search a level designer ( see here (if you speak french)).

Nevertheless, I wish you a good test, and of course don’t hesitate to be merciless with this demo !!


very nice game! The problem is the jumping after falling into the mausoleum. Shooting the first tower and then jumping from the rock unto the platform was impossible for me :frowning:

Do you consider porting this game to JME3?