Game Update

Updates (4/15/21):

  • Fixed massive Vector3f constant claiming bug (thanks pspeed).
  • Fixed map generation bug.
  • Implemented “Masterminds” that you’re trying to kill instead of finding a simple goal.
  • Implemented pre and post game animations. You start out by dropping from a helicopter, then you get picked up again at the end.
  • Changed name to “Maze Assassin” (menu not updated yet).
  • Implemented game start countdown so you don’t immediately get mobbed.
  • Maze generator removes all unnecessary blocks to help performance.
  • Finally, the maze generator forms possible mazes every time! :partying_face:

I still have yet to win the latest version :rofl:

Some more updates (4/17/21)

  • Path etching for maze generation now tends to go in a main direction.
  • Made levels (1st level: only Badguys; 2nd level: Badguys and Badbots; etc).
  • Made a developer cheat thingy so it’s easier to test.

To do: