GitIgnore for JME project

Hello everyone, I’m looking to use git source control for my JMonkey project using the sdk. This is probably a common thing so I wanted to see if anyone had created a gitignore for JME projects so I don’t have so many unnecessary files in the repo.

I think the git ignore for a jmonkey project would just be the same as a git ignore for any gradle java project (or ant if thats what your project uses)

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yes, just create it in root of your project as i remember.

This should work same way as for default Git project, if using IDE you just also need gitignore files that IDE create. Btw. SDK = Netbeans IDE extended with tools.

To get you started, here’s the .gitignore file of a simple Gradle-based JME project:


Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for!

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