How can I make my game... A game?

You could do co-op missions against others to avoid the need of too much AI involved.

I’m not sure I understood what you want to say by “client-side” tanks… Isn’t the game multiplayer?

It seems the idea you are having, of having planes assisting ground forces, matches a lot what I’ve proposed. The only decision that I’m not sure you have taken is if the ground forces will be totally AI controlled (that is, the AI decides entirely what the forces will do), or partially controlled (you specify the mission for the ground forces and then the AI will execute the mission).

I am not sure if you have implemented stuff like airplane stalling and blacking out when pulling a lot of Gs when flying. When dog fighting with another players the added difficulty could be fun.

I am also working on an android flying game that tries to bring flying experience to a mobile phone. How did you create an endless terrain in you app?

It isn’t endless, it’s just big. The terrain is created with L3DT.

I think architecture is different when you want it to be endless terrain. So you move terrain tiles instead of moving player.
So the player position is always fix and the terrain tiles change their position.
But not know how to handle it when there is more than one player !?

Yes, for an example of one way to do endless terrain… see the IsoSurfaceDemo.

This doesn’t show it but you can fly in any direction forever… though the generator algorithm starts to make funky terrain in some directions:

I guess I never did just make a video of flying in one direction for a really long time.

It uses my open source paging library to page in the terrain. It’s using generated data but it could just as easily be any source of data… just need to make a custom factory.


I would take a look at some classic multiplayer online games and (basically) copy their ideas. Not neccessarily flying games either. Take a look at Team Fortress 2 for example. The big problem with creating online games is reaching critical mass; very few people will play it unless there’s lots of people playing it. You could create some NPCs to take the place of players until they arrive. Also, you need to give the players an objective and something to aim for. This could be something simple like “destroy 5 tanks in 5 minutes”. Flying round shooting stuff eventually gets boring if there’s no objective or progression. Also, maybe take a look at some 2D games that have a similar setup. I often go back to old games for inspiration, the more obscure the better. What about Desert Strike or ATF (of the top of my head). Maybe each section the landscape could be notionally owned by a side, and the player has to fight for their side by destroying enemies thus taking over more sections. </end of brain dump> Hope there’s something there of help.

I misunderstood the plane. I thought it’s plane.

  • Make rings spawn randomly in the map, and when you pass trough them, you get a small speed boost.
  • Customizing. Let the player customize things like the type of engine, wings, and etc… It doesn’t mean that you must change the model: just change the stats
  • Decorate the world. If you spawn trees everywhere the world will feel more “alive”. Add birds too.
  • Make weather effects on certain spots. When it’s raining, you have less visibility, so the player must try to dodge those areas.

Remember that you must also balance the game.

I ended up using TerrainGrid class with FractalTileLoader,

Try to make it harder to destroy enemy airfield with AA guns/missiles and put secondary objectives to make it less linear, like escorting a reinforcement cargo which has fuel for its team, or replenish airfield health/airfield defenses.
Btw can I ask you how you implemented the jet trail when it’s flying?