How to UV Map node materials

I have a model in blender that I made, and to create the texture I have some nodes that are linked to a material output. This all appears as expected in rendered mode.

Now to make this work in jMonkey, you have to UV Map the textures because otherwise it appears as a grey/white object.

My Question is: does anyone know how to UV map the material created by the node, because when I unwraped my object, in the UV/Image editor there are no textures.

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This task is for the blender.


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In fact, this is not related to textures and materials. This is the data of the grid, and they can be made without texture and material.

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Have you tried baking?

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Meh. Ive asked on the blender forums but if you have any idea. Please say.

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In edit mode press U (like unwrap :slight_smile: ) choose Smart UV Project (simplest if u don’t know how to do it yourself). Now in UV/image editor select/load your image. Now in 3D view exit edit mode (to object mode) and save/import your model.

And probably you need to assign material and add there your texture too. I do it always so I’m not sure if it is nessesary.

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How do I do that.

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I understand all of that, but I think the problem is how to turn the material into an image I can use as.

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Baking Texture Blender

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ok thanks I found this post that showed me what to do. and now I can ues my model in jme3.

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If the UV coordinates are saved onto the model itself you do not have to bake in the texture.

The jme .j3o will map any image you put as the material to the models UV coordinates IF they have them.

So by applying the UV coordinates in blender and just exporting the UV layout. You can make as many maps as you want and just load them as the texture via the jme material setTexture() method

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