I need a sample car model in blender

I need a sample car model in blender …
I dont know how to do rotating the wheels by skeleton and bones …
explain me how to do and if you have a .blend file please send me

Neal Hirsig pdf on the Rocket Steam Locomotive explains the formula for determining speed and rotation on pg20 - pg23 of the Animating The Rocket Steam Locomotive tutorial.

His website is no longer active but you can use the Archive.org link on the wayback machine website to still get to it.


Neals website for the tutorials is here,


His main site is located here,

His videos are located on Vimeo,

Although a little dated, its not hard to figure things out if you have a modest amount of blender knowledge. I highly recommend the tutorials on the Rocket Steam Locomotive. They are very fun to do and demonstrate almost every use of blender for modeling.

thank you for the answer …
I did the wheels rotation by armature and it looks good in blender but I cant play it in my game {animation channels are empty or null , I dont know why} but I can play the wheelsRotation animChannel in jme sdk …
and also the ogre xml plugin export it to separate files But I want just mesh.xml and one material file …
this is my model , can you look at it and tell me what’s wrong in it ?

You are using 9 diffuse materials, 1 texture and 5 meshes. You will need to join the meshes all into one object. Prior to doing so save as a copy and work with the copy. In the copy select your 4 tires and then the body and the in the tools (T) panel hit the join button.

Create 1 texture for each material rather than using diffuse in the material tab to color the mesh. You create a image by using gimp or any paint program and setting the color with the same parameters as used in the diffuse tab of the material.

When done select your mesh in object mode and then a material in the material tab.

In the texture tab create a new texture for that material. In the image panel load your image texture you created for that material.

Do this for all materials.

When done, select the mesh and tab into edit mode.

In the materials tab you will see an assign button. In the 3d viewport Select 'A' to select all your mesh and then deselect anything you don’t want to assign the material to. When ready select assign. To make things easier later assign a vertex group to the same mesh parts under the Data tab in the Vertex Group panel. This will allow you to easily highlight them for changing materials later if you need to.

After assigning all your materials, change your layout to UV Editing in the info header at the top of the program.

In the UV Image Editor add a new blank image and name it something like caratlas.

Select your mesh in the 3d viewport and tab into edit mode.

In the 3d viewport header select Mesh/UV Unwrap followed by Unwrap or Smart UV Project. Smart UV will use almost all the image but to avoid bleeding of textures set the margin in the unwrap panel located at the bottom of the Tool (T button to open) panel to something like .04.

In info header change your layout to default. Then in the properties panel select Render tab.

In the Bake panel change the Bake Mode to Textures and when ready select the bake button.

After baking switch to the UV Editing layout and you will see your assigned textures are now all baked into the image caratlas you created.

In the UV Image Editor you now see an asterisk next to the word Image*. This means the image is not saved. Select Image/Save As and save the image.

You now need to create a new material named the same name as the model. Create a texture for it, load the caratlas image, select the pack button next to the image path.

Select your model and tab into edit mode, select all vertices again (A) and assign the material to your model in the material tab.

Save your file as a copy and in the copy file clean up all the unneeded materials and textures.

When you ogre export you will have 1 mesh xml, a skeleton, a material file named the same name as the mesh and your caratlas image.

I wrote this from memory so if I missed something let me know.

I joined them in one mesh {body} but when I was exporting to ogre I had just one mesh file and one material file and an image file and not exporting skeleton animation and its file.xml …

There was no scene file?

No I did not exported it…
I think when we export a joined mesh , we dont need to scene file .
just I don’t know why animations not exported like as before?

You have to parent the mesh to armature again.