I want to know how much jsp is fast

Where the heck is the relation to JME?! I think you ask the wrong group. Shouldn’t somebody maybe close this useless thread?

I like it possibly the best response
Signing out azhar

Wow… this to me looks like an haiku. Bonus points for the poetry :slight_smile:


Though a haiku usually has a deep meaning…


Our school has annual haiku competitions. Most of the time the results are more like “dafuq did I just read??” than having a deep meaning.

Maybe @azhar has his chance in you competition then? :smiley:

Idk why you didn’t give him the real answer, but talking shit about assembly and such.

JSP is clearly OVER 9000!!!

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Always conforming
The ever noble haiku
Seventeen syllab

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Even over BFG9000? :sunglasses:

Inspired by OP, I made poetry. Not sure it fits the monthly screenshot thread.

The Monkaiku:

Your post makes no sense
Bad english too
Do the tutorials

Asking nonsensical questions
won’t do any good
Do the tutorial instead

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