If video game commercials were honest ;-)

Here you can get a duck prepared in many diffrent ways in every China restaurant.

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After Diablo 3 , wich i bought just because I liked diablos 2 without reading any reviews, i kinda put blizzard into the same category as activison and ea. A real money job in game that costs 60+, fuck em.

What yo gonna do?

(And yes I know they fixed tons of stuff in that game after release, but so did ea with battlefield 4)

Blizzard removed the auction house from D3 (which is what people had issue with) which was making them a metric shit tonne of money, to improve the core gaming experience. At first it pissed me off, but I can see now why it was a great choice… It’s why I own 2 copies of the game, they made sooooooo many changes as a result of direct feedback from their player base… and if you haven’t played D3 since the updates, I highly recommend giving it another go, they just made it fun again.

Dice are amazing, EA are asshats, launch week fails for BF4 were all EAs server issues, because for them it’s all about the money… which while I do hate, I can still sorta respect because at the end of the day, they are a business, and their job is to make money, unfortunately.

And if anyone sees @Empire_Phoenix around, please tell her she is quickly climbing my list… since I no longer acknowledge her worthy of my time or attention. punk.

I’m a fan of Notch… and at the same time I’d love to kick his ass :D.

What he created, I’m in awe. That is exactly what for me indie dev is… not that I’m anywhere near that in my lil game.

But the bollocks “the game will always belong to the players” or something he added while selling the game to Microsoft… that irks me: yah, it’s ours, just like Goldman Sachs belongs to all of us… pff, he’s lucky there are soo many zombies on this planet that will swallow anything… and then people complain about politicians…


I think you misunderstood my words. Let’s recap: you pointed out “the sin” made by game companies:

To which I replied:

Thus “absolving” each and every game company committing it.
But also pointed out that you are accusing the same company you are revering.
So I wasn’t really making fun at blizzard, I was making fun at @thetoucher … and this post makes even more fun! :smiley:

Yeah and if they had done proper user testing about every fucking one of them would have said fuck of with that real money shop shit.
→ I would never have seen it
→ I wouldn’t have to argue with you about this
→ They are the reason, remember :stuck_out_tongue:

you shouldn’t make fun of retards, its not cool bro, not cool… he is going to be so pissed when he reads that after the black out rage subsides .

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This thread devolved quickly. :chimpanzee_closedlaugh:

yeah, way to go @nehon

You know… I wonder how many people thought I just posted a regular duck documentary and didn’t even bother to watch it. :slight_smile:

LoL. what are you Canadian or something? how is a ‘regular duck documentary’ a common thing?

I watched it … and I can not unwatch it… :chimpanzee_nogood:

+1 now i have to watch it…

O also definitely not safe for work :stuck_out_tongue:

Once you’ve learned all you can about ducks in the True Facts about Ducks, I also recommend learning about frogs from the same guy. (Actually, they are all pretty good but the duck and frog ones always stand out in my mind.)

I like rabbits :smile:


Just kidding. I’m on mobile data so no Youtube…
We should seriously get back on topic or someon should rename thread name to “General offtopic” :angry:

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…“If topic names were honest…” :wink:

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Well, one thing I thought:
How would girls and women react when they see such a thread and the macho way it got derailed purposely. Not naming any responsible smurfs here. Just asking questions. But since there seem to be no little girls around other than Smurfette and the forum was rough already - this seems to be more of a rhetorical question anyway… :chimpanzee_closedlaugh:

You could just start talking about the original topic again…

For that matter what if all ads were honest?

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