IntelliJ IDEA - Open Source License

Thanks to previous initiative of irrisor, the jMonkeyEngine project has access to a free license of the IntelliJ IDE software. It's been on my to-do list to have this license refreshed ever since irrisor gave me a heads up about a week ago (thanks!) and now it's done.


For a free license, pm me.

If you want to get in touch with JetBrains, be it support or a subject matter related to jME, please talk to me first.

Documentation and Support

IntelliJ IDEA documentation:

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Courtesy of

JetBrains Sales Team

"Develop with pleasure!"

I just opened up IntelliJ for the first time… I really like how many version control systems it comes installed with

beats out just having CVS by default in Eclipse :wink:

I have tested IntelliJ in the past, but never noticed anything special about it - but work with an outsource team of Ukranians who swear by it… so am curious about finding out more…

JOC said:

I have tested IntelliJ in the past, but never noticed anything special about it - but work with an outsource team of Ukranians who swear by it..... so am curious about finding out more..
I'll take that as a request ;) PM sent.

I use Intellij every day for work. Once you get the hot keys down and get your live templates working it rocks.


auto save.  Override methods have icons for both ways (up to parent method and down from parent method)

Internal compiler  runs in separate thread.  Has really intuitive setup for JEE projects.  Plugins are easily found.

Newer Version lets you install or uninstall addons easily to save on memory


Cost money.

You can only open up one Intellij (one process).  You can have n number of Modules open but if your are in the config or setup of one Module or its doing some indexing the other Module windows are frozen.

Love IDEA, biggest con for me though is the fact it's 'heavy', uses alot of resources etc.

ownagesbot said:

Love IDEA, biggest con for me though is the fact it's 'heavy', uses alot of resources etc.

Even more than that, I love the little meter on the bottom right of the application that shows your heap space usage [and makes you cry] :p
sbook said:

ownagesbot said:

Love IDEA, biggest con for me though is the fact it's 'heavy', uses alot of resources etc.

Even more than that, I love the little meter on the bottom right of the application that shows your heap space usage [and makes you cry] :p

Well, don't now if Eclipse have it, but you could activate one in NetBeans
And the nice thing extra:
If you click on the little meter, it will run a garbage collection :D
tim8dev said:

sbook said:

ownagesbot said:

Love IDEA, biggest con for me though is the fact it's 'heavy', uses alot of resources etc.

Even more than that, I love the little meter on the bottom right of the application that shows your heap space usage [and makes you cry] :p

Well, don't now if Eclipse have it, but you could activate one in NetBeans
And the nice thing extra:
If you click on the little meter, if it will run a garbage collection :D

don't click the GC button too much in jME ;)
sbook said:

tim8dev said:

sbook said:

ownagesbot said:

Love IDEA, biggest con for me though is the fact it's 'heavy', uses alot of resources etc.

Even more than that, I love the little meter on the bottom right of the application that shows your heap space usage [and makes you cry] :p

Well, don't now if Eclipse have it, but you could activate one in NetBeans
And the nice thing extra:
If you click on the little meter, if it will run a garbage collection :D

don't click the GC button too much in jME ;)

Why not?

That garbage button in IDEA should just be doing a garbage collection on the IDE's memory (that's fine), but I was alluding to using the GC call within jME…  Since this method essentially iterates through your heap memory and checks all of the objects, it can slow things down quite a bit if you place it in an update() or render() method within jME.