Jfx to Jme keycode xref class

So I built a little util class to convert jfx to jme (lwjgl3) key codes.

import java.util.HashMap;

public class JfxJmeKeyCodeXRef {
    public static HashMap<Integer, Integer> xref = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

    static {
        xref.put(0, //JFX "Undefined"
                0x00); //JME"KEY_UNKNOWN"

        xref.put(27, //JFX "Esc"
                0x01); //JME"KEY_ESCAPE"

        xref.put(49, //JFX "1"
                0x02); //JME"KEY_1"

        xref.put(50, //JFX "2"
                0x03); //JME"KEY_2"

        xref.put(51, //3"
                0x04); //JME"KEY_3"

        xref.put(52, //JFX "4"
                0x05); //JME"KEY_4"

        xref.put(53, //JFX "5"
                0x06); //JME"KEY_5"

        xref.put(54, //JFX "6"
                0x07); //JME"KEY_6"

        xref.put(55, //JFX "7"
                0x08); //JME"KEY_7"

        xref.put(56, //JFX "8"
                0x09); //JME"KEY_8"

        xref.put(57, //JFX "9"
                0x0A); //JME"KEY_9"

        xref.put(48, //JFX "0"
                0x0B); //JME"KEY_0"

        xref.put(45, //JFX "Minus"
                0x0C); //JME"KEY_MINUS"

        xref.put(61, //JFX "Equals"
                0x0D); //JME"KEY_EQUALS"

        xref.put(8, //JFX "Backspace"
                0x0E); //JME"KEY_BACK"

        xref.put(9, //JFX "Tab"
                0x0F); //JME"KEY_TAB"

        xref.put(81, //JFX "Q"
                0x10); //JME"KEY_Q"

        xref.put(87, //JFX "W"
                0x11); //JME"KEY_W"

        xref.put(69, //JFX "E"
                0x12); //JME"KEY_E"

        xref.put(82, //JFX "R"
                0x13); //JME"KEY_R"

        xref.put(84, //JFX "T"
                0x14); //JME"KEY_T"

        xref.put(89, //JFX "Y"
                0x15); //JME"KEY_Y"

        xref.put(85, //JFX "U"
                0x16); //JME"KEY_U"

        xref.put(73, //JFX "I"
                0x17); //JME"KEY_I"

        xref.put(79, //JFX "O"
                0x18); //JME"KEY_O"

        xref.put(80, //JFX "P"
                0x19); //JME"KEY_P"

        xref.put(91, //JFX "Open Bracket"
                0x1A); //JME"KEY_LBRACKET"

        xref.put(93, //JFX "Close Bracket"
                0x1B); //JME"KEY_RBRACKET"

        xref.put(10, //JFX "Enter"
                0x1C); //JME"KEY_RETURN"

        xref.put(17, //JFX "Ctrl"
                0x1D); //JME"KEY_LCONTROL"

        xref.put(65, //JFX "A"
                0x1E); //JME"KEY_A"

        xref.put(83, //JFX "S"
                0x1F); //JME"KEY_S"

        xref.put(68, //JFX "D"
                0x20); //JME"KEY_D"

        xref.put(70, //JFX "F"
                0x21); //JME"KEY_F"

        xref.put(71, //JFX "G"
                0x22); //JME"KEY_G"

        xref.put(72, //JFX "H"
                0x23); //JME"KEY_H"

        xref.put(74, //JFX "J"
                0x24); //JME"KEY_J"

        xref.put(75, //JFX "K"
                0x25); //JME"KEY_K"

        xref.put(76, //JFX "L"
                0x26); //JME"KEY_L"

        xref.put(59, //JFX "Semicolon"
                0x27); //JME"KEY_SEMICOLON"

        xref.put(222, //JFX "Quote"
                0x28); //JME"KEY_APOSTROPHE"

        xref.put(192, //JFX "Back Quote"
                0x29); //JME"KEY_GRAVE"

        xref.put(16, //JFX "Shift"
                0x2A); //JME"KEY_LSHIFT"

        xref.put(92, //JFX "Back Slash"
                0x2B); //JME"KEY_BACKSLASH"

        xref.put(90, //JFX "Z"
                0x2C); //JME"KEY_Z"

        xref.put(88, //JFX "X"
                0x2D); //JME"KEY_X"

        xref.put(67, //JFX "C"
                0x2E); //JME"KEY_C"

        xref.put(86, //JFX "V"
                0x2F); //JME"KEY_V"

        xref.put(66, //JFX "B"
                0x30); //JME"KEY_B"

        xref.put(78, //JFX "N"
                0x31); //JME"KEY_N"

        xref.put(77, //JFX "M"
                0x32); //JME"KEY_M"

        xref.put(44, //JFX "Comma"
                0x33); //JME"KEY_COMMA"

        xref.put(46, //JFX "Period"
                0x34); //JME"KEY_PERIOD"

        xref.put(47, //JFX "Slash"
                0x35); //JME"KEY_SLASH"

        xref.put(16, //JFX "Shift"
                0x36); //JME"KEY_RSHIFT"

        xref.put(106, //JFX "Multiply"
                0x37); //JME"KEY_MULTIPLY"

        xref.put(525, //JFX "Context Menu"
                0x38); //JME"KEY_LMENU"

        xref.put(32, //JFX "Space"
                0x39); //JME"KEY_SPACE"

        xref.put(20, //JFX "Caps Lock"
                0x3A); //JME"KEY_CAPITAL"

        xref.put(112, //JFX "F1"
                0x3B); //JME"KEY_F1"

        xref.put(113, //JFX "F2"
                0x3C); //JME"KEY_F2"

        xref.put(114, //JFX "F3"
                0x3D); //JME"KEY_F3"

        xref.put(115, //JFX "F4"
                0x3E); //JME"KEY_F4"

        xref.put(116, //JFX "F5"
                0x3F); //JME"KEY_F5"

        xref.put(117, //JFX "F6"
                0x40); //JME"KEY_F6"

        xref.put(118, //JFX "F7"
                0x41); //JME"KEY_F7"

        xref.put(119, //JFX "F8"
                0x42); //JME"KEY_F8"

        xref.put(120, //JFX "F9"
                0x43); //JME"KEY_F9"

        xref.put(121, //JFX "F10"
                0x44); //JME"KEY_F10"

        xref.put(144, //JFX "Num Lock"
                0x45); //JME"KEY_NUMLOCK"

        xref.put(145, //JFX "Scroll Lock"
                0x46); //JME"KEY_SCROLL"

        xref.put(103, //JFX "Numpad 7"
                0x47); //JME"KEY_NUMPAD7"

        xref.put(104, //JFX "Numpad 8"
                0x48); //JME"KEY_NUMPAD8"

        xref.put(105, //JFX "Numpad 9"
                0x49); //JME"KEY_NUMPAD9"

        xref.put(109, //JFX "Subtract"
                0x4A); //JME"KEY_SUBTRACT"

        xref.put(100, //JFX "Numpad 4"
                0x4B); //JME"KEY_NUMPAD4"

        xref.put(101, //JFX "Numpad 5"
                0x4C); //JME"KEY_NUMPAD5"

        xref.put(102, //JFX "Numpad 6"
                0x4D); //JME"KEY_NUMPAD6"

        xref.put(107, //JFX "Add"
                0x4E); //JME"KEY_ADD"

        xref.put(97, //JFX "Numpad 1"
                0x4F); //JME"KEY_NUMPAD1"

        xref.put(98, //JFX "Numpad 2"
                0x50); //JME"KEY_NUMPAD2"

        xref.put(99, //JFX "Numpad 3"
                0x51); //JME"KEY_NUMPAD3"

        xref.put(96, //JFX "Numpad 0"
                0x52); //JME"KEY_NUMPAD0"

        xref.put(110, //JFX "Decimal"
                0x53); //JME"KEY_DECIMAL"

        xref.put(122, //JFX "F11"
                0x57); //JME"KEY_F11"

        xref.put(123, //JFX "F12"
                0x58); //JME"KEY_F12"

        xref.put(61440, //JFX "F13"
                0x64); //JME"KEY_F13"

        xref.put(61441, //JFX "F14"
                0x65); //JME"KEY_F14"

        xref.put(61442, //JFX "F15"
                0x66); //JME"KEY_F15"

        xref.put(21, //JFX "Kana"
                0x70); //JME"KEY_KANA"

        xref.put(28, //JFX "Convert"
                0x79); //JME"KEY_CONVERT"

        xref.put(29, //JFX "Nonconvert"
                0x7B); //JME"KEY_NOCONVERT"

        xref.put(61, //JFX "Equals"
                0x8D); //JME"KEY_NUMPADEQUALS"

        xref.put(514, //JFX "Circumflex"
                0x90); //JME"KEY_CIRCUMFLEX"

        xref.put(512, //JFX "At"
                0x91); //JME"KEY_AT"

        xref.put(513, //JFX "Colon"
                0x92); //JME"KEY_COLON"

        xref.put(523, //JFX "Underscore"
                0x93); //JME"KEY_UNDERLINE"

        xref.put(25, //JFX "Kanji"
                0x94); //JME"KEY_KANJI"

        xref.put(65480, //JFX "Stop"
                0x95); //JME"KEY_STOP"

        xref.put(154, //JFX "Print Screen"
                0x9A); //JME"KEY_PRTSCR"

        xref.put(10, //JFX "Enter"
                0x9C); //JME"KEY_NUMPADENTER"

        xref.put(17, //JFX "Ctrl"
                0x9D); //JME"KEY_RCONTROL"

        xref.put(44, //JFX "Comma"
                0xB3); //JME"KEY_NUMPADCOMMA"

        xref.put(111, //JFX "Divide"
                0xB5); //JME"KEY_DIVIDE"

        xref.put(525, //JFX "Context Menu"
                0xB8); //JME"KEY_RMENU"

        xref.put(19, //JFX "Pause"
                0xC5); //JME"KEY_PAUSE"

        xref.put(36, //JFX "Home"
                0xC7); //JME"KEY_HOME"

        xref.put(38, //JFX "Up"
                0xC8); //JME"KEY_UP"

        xref.put(33, //JFX "Page Up"
                0xC9); //JME"KEY_PRIOR"

        xref.put(37, //JFX "Left"
                0xCB); //JME"KEY_LEFT"

        xref.put(39, //JFX "Right"
                0xCD); //JME"KEY_RIGHT"

        xref.put(35, //JFX "End"
                0xCF); //JME"KEY_END"

        xref.put(40, //JFX "Down"
                0xD0); //JME"KEY_DOWN"

        xref.put(34, //JFX "Page Down"
                0xD1); //JME"KEY_NEXT"

        xref.put(155, //JFX "Insert"
                0xD2); //JME"KEY_INSERT"

        xref.put(127, //JFX "Delete"
                0xD3); //JME"KEY_DELETE"

        xref.put(157, //JFX "Meta"
                0xDB); //JME"KEY_LMETA "

        xref.put(157, //JFX "Meta"
                0xDC); //JME"KEY_RMETA"

        xref.put(409, //JFX "Power"
                0xDE); //JME"KEY_POWER"

    public static int JfxToJmeKeyCode(int jfxKeyCode) {
        return xref.get(jfxKeyCode);

There were some key codes I did not know, and some things like the ‘shift’ versions of the keys that jme and jfx handle different. Jfx has a different key code for those, and I excluded that.

Complete list of key codes not included here:

    CANCEL(3, "Cancel"),
    CLEAR(12, "Clear"),
    ALT(18, "Alt", 8),
    SEPARATOR(108, "Separator"),
    F16(61443, "F16", 1),
    F17(61444, "F17", 1),
    F18(61445, "F18", 1),
    F19(61446, "F19", 1),
    F20(61447, "F20", 1),
    F21(61448, "F21", 1),
    F22(61449, "F22", 1),
    F23(61450, "F23", 1),
    F24(61451, "F24", 1),
    HELP(156, "Help"),
    KP_UP(224, "Numpad Up", 70),
    KP_DOWN(225, "Numpad Down", 70),
    KP_LEFT(226, "Numpad Left", 70),
    KP_RIGHT(227, "Numpad Right", 70),
	DEAD_GRAVE(128, "Dead Grave"),
    DEAD_ACUTE(129, "Dead Acute"),
    DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX(130, "Dead Circumflex"),
    DEAD_TILDE(131, "Dead Tilde"),
    DEAD_MACRON(132, "Dead Macron"),
    DEAD_BREVE(133, "Dead Breve"),
    DEAD_ABOVEDOT(134, "Dead Abovedot"),
    DEAD_DIAERESIS(135, "Dead Diaeresis"),
    DEAD_ABOVERING(136, "Dead Abovering"),
    DEAD_DOUBLEACUTE(137, "Dead Doubleacute"),
    DEAD_CARON(138, "Dead Caron"),
    DEAD_CEDILLA(139, "Dead Cedilla"),
    DEAD_OGONEK(140, "Dead Ogonek"),
    DEAD_IOTA(141, "Dead Iota"),
    DEAD_VOICED_SOUND(142, "Dead Voiced Sound"),
    DEAD_SEMIVOICED_SOUND(143, "Dead Semivoiced Sound"),
    AMPERSAND(150, "Ampersand"),
    ASTERISK(151, "Asterisk"),
    QUOTEDBL(152, "Double Quote"),
    LESS(153, "Less"),
    GREATER(160, "Greater"),
    BRACELEFT(161, "Left Brace"),
    BRACERIGHT(162, "Right Brace"),
    DOLLAR(515, "Dollar"),
    EURO_SIGN(516, "Euro Sign"),
    EXCLAMATION_MARK(517, "Exclamation Mark"),
    INVERTED_EXCLAMATION_MARK(518, "Inverted Exclamation Mark"),
    LEFT_PARENTHESIS(519, "Left Parenthesis"),
    NUMBER_SIGN(520, "Number Sign"),
    PLUS(521, "Plus"),
    RIGHT_PARENTHESIS(522, "Right Parenthesis"),
    FINAL(24, "Final"),
    ACCEPT(30, "Accept"),
    MODECHANGE(31, "Mode Change"),
    ALPHANUMERIC(240, "Alphanumeric"),
    KATAKANA(241, "Katakana"),
    HIRAGANA(242, "Hiragana"),
    FULL_WIDTH(243, "Full Width"),
    HALF_WIDTH(244, "Half Width"),
    ROMAN_CHARACTERS(245, "Roman Characters"),
    ALL_CANDIDATES(256, "All Candidates"),
    PREVIOUS_CANDIDATE(257, "Previous Candidate"),
    CODE_INPUT(258, "Code Input"),
    JAPANESE_KATAKANA(259, "Japanese Katakana"),
    JAPANESE_HIRAGANA(260, "Japanese Hiragana"),
    JAPANESE_ROMAN(261, "Japanese Roman"),
    KANA_LOCK(262, "Kana Lock"),
    INPUT_METHOD_ON_OFF(263, "Input Method On/Off"),
    CUT(65489, "Cut"),
    COPY(65485, "Copy"),
    PASTE(65487, "Paste"),
    UNDO(65483, "Undo"),
    AGAIN(65481, "Again"),
    FIND(65488, "Find"),
    PROPS(65482, "Properties"),
    COMPOSE(65312, "Compose"),
    ALT_GRAPH(65406, "Alt Graph", 8),
    BEGIN(65368, "Begin"),
    SOFTKEY_0(4096, "Softkey 0"),
    SOFTKEY_1(4097, "Softkey 1"),
    SOFTKEY_2(4098, "Softkey 2"),
    SOFTKEY_3(4099, "Softkey 3"),
    SOFTKEY_4(4100, "Softkey 4"),
    SOFTKEY_5(4101, "Softkey 5"),
    SOFTKEY_6(4102, "Softkey 6"),
    SOFTKEY_7(4103, "Softkey 7"),
    SOFTKEY_8(4104, "Softkey 8"),
    SOFTKEY_9(4105, "Softkey 9"),
    GAME_A(4106, "Game A"),
    GAME_B(4107, "Game B"),
    GAME_C(4108, "Game C"),
    GAME_D(4109, "Game D"),
    STAR(4110, "Star"),
    POUND(4111, "Pound"),
    INFO(457, "Info"),
    COLORED_KEY_0(403, "Colored Key 0"),
    COLORED_KEY_1(404, "Colored Key 1"),
    COLORED_KEY_2(405, "Colored Key 2"),
    COLORED_KEY_3(406, "Colored Key 3"),
    EJECT_TOGGLE(414, "Eject", 256),
    PLAY(415, "Play", 256),
    RECORD(416, "Record", 256),
    FAST_FWD(417, "Fast Forward", 256),
    REWIND(412, "Rewind", 256),
    TRACK_PREV(424, "Previous Track", 256),
    TRACK_NEXT(425, "Next Track", 256),
    CHANNEL_UP(427, "Channel Up", 256),
    CHANNEL_DOWN(428, "Channel Down", 256),
    VOLUME_UP(447, "Volume Up", 256),
    VOLUME_DOWN(448, "Volume Down", 256),
    MUTE(449, "Mute", 256),
    COMMAND(768, "Command", 8),
    SHORTCUT(-1, "Shortcut");


	public static final int KEY_YEN = 0x7D;
	public static final int KEY_AX = 0x96;
	public static final int KEY_UNLABELED = 0x97;
	public static final int KEY_SYSRQ = 0xB7;
	public static final int KEY_APPS = 0xDD;
	public static final int KEY_SLEEP = 0xDF;
	public static final int KEY_LAST = 0xE0;

Feel free to use how ever you like, I just ask that if you make improvements, or find issues/fix anything, that you share it here.
