jME Physics 2 - first beta!

Hi all!

I think jME Physics 2 is ready for the first tests by the community. It’s still not complete but already has all important features found in the old version (important to me, that is).

Feature and todo list for the beta1 can be found here.

You can check out from CVS or download zips from Beta1 compiles against jME CVS version from 30.03.06.

There is no tutorial or docs except for the javadoc. Have a look at TestGenerateGeometry and TestVehicle instead.

You can start the test when you simply extract jME and jME Physics 2 zips into the same folder and execute

java -Djava.library.path=lib -jar jme-physics.jar

Have fun with testing and as usual report any issues here...

P.S. I don't recommend to port existing apps from old jmephysics to the new API yet as 1. it's quite costly, 2. there is no tut yet and 3. API might still change a bit

doesn't compile :? perhaps I missed something… somewhere

Error   jmephysics2/src/com/jmex/physics   Cannot instantiate the type SyntheticButton   line 458   
Error   jmephysics2/src/com/jmex/physics   The method trigger(float, char, float, boolean, Object) from the type SyntheticButton is not visible   line 470   
Error   phys/src/com/jmex/physics   Cannot instantiate the type SyntheticButton   line 458   
Error   phys/src/com/jmex/physics   The method trigger(float, char, float, boolean, Object) from the type SyntheticButton is not visible   line 470

You need to update your jME CVS.

thanks it work now one question though is possible to set more than one native path and how because if I set the path it ignores lwjgl in my system folder and throws errors so I just threw ode dll in there too (doesn't seem to have an effect on jmephysics1 had the old one there aswell) not a big deal really just wanted know.

sure - just separate pathes with ; (windows) or : (mac, linux)

Even better when you use eclipse: specify native library path for a jar in the project properties.

I have tested your new version of jME Physics 2. I have only tested the vehicle example and it works well.

Keep up the good work !  :slight_smile:

There is no tutorial or docs except for the javadoc

Hmm, there is no javadocs generated in the beta1 from CVS... :?

I never understood why people want generated JavaDoc if they have the source :? - I have uploaded them nonetheless :slight_smile:

I never understood why people want generated JavaDoc if they have the source

Well, mostly ignorance in my case.

There are some simple tutorials in CVS now. I plan to make another release (beta2) the the next couple of days, so stay tuned :slight_smile:

ok, second beta announced :slight_smile: