jMEphysics from cvs troubles

After some while I made a checkout of the current jmephysics cvs and now nothing works.

first thing there is a string which points to a jme directory in the build.xml.

If you create jme in eclipse with the wizzard it is created as jme and not jME

the build.xml points to jME

second thing I am not able to build the project because eclipse encounters a error in module_physics.ode.xml

line 77:

<target name="compile.module.physics.ode.production" depends="compile.module.physics"

this dependency is not found in the current project

line 96:

<target name="release.module.physics.ode" depends="compile.module.physics.ode.production, release.module.physics">

release.module.physics is not found in the current project

Anyone a clue?

well, don't use the build files or update them

I do not know what you mean I completely checked out everything even the build files.

How can I update them?

And how to not use them for building jmephysics?

Is there another way to build this?


Now I see I should have read the forum a little more carefully.

You are using maven to build physics.

Is maven that good? Is it easy to use?


how did you fix this in the end? i have no knowledge of ant build files or anything and i'm getting this error too when attempting to build. the wiki tutorial on installing in eclipse just says "fix needed".


If you are using an IDE (that is worth anything) you shouldn't have to do a manual build at all if you're just developing in your IDE (of course this will change when you're ready to do a release).

I have not fixed it yet because the maven integration into Eclipse is not running so well.

In a few days I maybe have a little more to look how to fix this in Eclipse.

If anyone else knows:

how to set up jME physics in Eclipse or maybe netbeans

and is able to build jME physics from this,

this would help.

With Eclipse and Maven there are some issues in the pom file because eclipse's maven is not completely running as wished :frowning:

ok thanks both of you

as darkfrog says it's not a massive deal until i want to release, but i'm just one of those people who like everything to be proper right away. i can wait though!

Have you actually gone through the tutorial??

Look at Step 9, I'm guessing thats your problem.

the wiki tutorial on installing in eclipse just says "fix needed".

That is for compiling it into JARs, I honestly don't think anyone should even do that.  In fact, that section I put there just so others didn't waste their time trying.  Just use it as a project reference like the tutorial guides you, its much less work to update it when you don't have to compile JARs and then move them into your other workspace.

um, i did step 9, what would that have to do with anything? as you can see it's the "compiling into jars" section where i had trouble, which comes after step 9 (yet before the "using jmephysics 2 in your project" section).

the tutorial is peculiarly written (but still useful, thankyou) for someone who hasn't used external libraries with java (probably not uncommon, the default libraries are very good for a lot of purposes).

That is for compiling it into JARs, I honestly don't think anyone should even do that.  In fact, that section I put there just so others didn't waste their time trying.  Just use it as a project reference like the tutorial guides you, its much less work to update it when you don't have to compile JARs and then move them into your other workspace.

put it in so others didn't waste their time trying?! i'd suggest a better idea would be to not include that section or put a small disclaimer saying "this section is apparently pointless, don't waste your time trying it". i mean, it's great for someone who already knows how to set up jme in eclipse and knows the differences, but i'm guessing they wouldn't be reading that tutorial. i originally wanted jars so i could easily avoid a situation whereby jME would be updated in such a way that jMEphysics no longer worked with it. i am unfamiliar with cvs and wouldn't know how to handle that situation. thus i could ensure i still had a version of each library that i had tested with my project and knew worked with each other.

@ IAE:  Was talking to Sue there about step 9.  Well its better that people know how to compile jMEphysics into JARs and to know that it doesn't work, I personally couldnt get it to work, but someone else might and then they can fix the tutorial, otherwise no one knows how or that theres a problem.

Can you instant message me what makes you think the tutorial is peculiar, I'm not too crazy about it myself, but not sure what todo to improve them… and no one really responded to my thread on the topic, sniffle.


ah, i've only been around a few days so probably missed that. i've messaged you nonetheless. my suggested changes are only structural ones rather than content-related and you may well have good reasons for not doing them

There's a bit of a problem with the build files that are currently in cvs. Here's the changes I made to get it to work:



 replace entire section...
<path id="physics.ode.module.classpath">

Sharing some more wisdom…

I had a lot of problems with basic jME classes not being found, the first error was about package com.jme.math not existing. So next to the above, I also had to change

    <property name="jme.output.dir" value="${module.jme.basedir}/build"/>


    <property name="jme.output.dir" value="${module.jme.basedir}/target"/>

in ant/module_jme.xml. After that, compilation went without trouble.

Now, I still have to test this...

Hi everybody.

I tried out, but it doesn't work properly, so I ask, if anybody can send me the full code of the xmls or the jar files, but the code is fine enough.

Call me stupid, but I prefere jar files

The xml files are in cvs.

If you prefer jars you can use the latest release. I will do a jME Physics 2.1 release compatible with jME 1.0 as soon as someone gets the new mac osx binaries working…

I work with CVS separately, but the XML doesn't work for me.
I tried to fix, but failed.

If you do a complete release, I will wait and work with CVS.
The idea was, to merge jME, jME Physics, etc, to help my classmaths to work with jME.
And the less sourcecode they see, the less code can be damaged XD

Not sure if this is of help to anyone. But I managed to build the physics jar using Maven. Had to run the following steps first:

Install jme first by running the following commands in jme project

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/lwjgl.jar -DgroupId=org.lwjgl -DartifactId=lwjgl -Dversion=1.1.2 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/lwjgl_util_applet.jar -DgroupId=org.lwjgl -DartifactId=util.applet -Dversion=1.1.2 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/jinput.jar -DartifactId=jinput -Dversion=SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/jogg-0.0.7.jar -DgroupId=jogg -DartifactId=jogg -Dversion=0.0.7 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/jorbis-0.0.15.jar -DgroupId=jorbis -DartifactId=jorbis -Dversion=0.0.15 -Dpackaging=jar

mvn clean install

this will give you jme-SNAPSHOT-1.0

download the odejava-jni.jar from the jmephysics and install it:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/odejava-jni.jar -DgroupId=org.odejava -Dversion=0.3.1-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar

Now you need to remove all references to "rc" in the jmephysics pom.xml. And you should be able to end up with jmephysics-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT installed in your local repository.