What do you think is the next step?
did u share x86 or x64 version i need x86
You can do it yourself, you just cant be bothered to read. Im not your slave. I told you how to upload it to google drive.
downloading to and from google drive has done it. thanks for ur help
If you normally use eclipse and you just need some of the functionality of the sdk maybe you can find them in this editor. The .7z file’s weight is just 41Mb. If you already have java 8, you are fine with that .7z (I might be wrong but the other releases extra weight must be the jre).
Also, I provide native bundles for windows and debian-based
will give it a look
Note that we werent able to reproduce any download issues when downloading with 20kiB/s (see the sdks issue Page on github)
where are u from …I’m in the Caribbean…and this has been my consistent experience with github release downloads…I have had no such issues with sourceforge or googlecode, blackmagic design or any other downloads that I could think of only github
I wanted to say that it didn’t appear like a fixed limit on their side, because it took me more than 8 hours and it worked. However I found another page where they also told to use a download manager on the github url (not the resolved amazon url) to be able to use pause/resume.
I am from Germany though, so Amazon EU. However it seems to be a global issue and it only appeared now, maybe github/amazon are already working on a solution right now. Let’s just hope that. Technically I wonder though because nearly the whole internet somewhere depends on Amazon
You can remote upload to another filehost or cloud drive if you experience issues downloading directly from github. I can’t really do this myself for you guys on my google drive because it more than likely breaks their terms and conditions, but it is easy enough:
- download the google drive client.
- right-click the download link from the releases page, and click “Save As…”
- Select the google drive folder and click “Save”. This is where the magic happens. It downloads the file from github to your google drive really quickly - and not onto your computer.
- Download it from your google drive account - hopefully without any of the issues you had on github.
The procedure can differ from host to host but the keyword is “remote uploading” - Which basically means uploading it from one source to another directly - a.k.a “remotely”.
ok recently tried the google drive thing but it kept complaining about the file size…so I went back to idman which would keep failing and then narrow luck I completed the beta1 download. oTday had the same issues with 3.2 beta2 however using Idman every time the download failed I would create a new download and update the properties of the first download with the properties of new download to resume… had to do this about four times to get the file completely though, I don’t think GIT release servers like connections outside of US/EU that are not super fast because they fail within minutes
I got the file but it is ALWAYS a hassle for me with GIThub
How slow is slow? Usually servers have protection against slow-post attacks and the like (posting or requesting things really slowly to keep hold of threads and thus cripple the server). I’m not sure how slow it would have to be, but I’d imagine pretty darn slow.
I’m pretty sure if you’re going to use a download manager, which works a bit like torrents (different workers downloading different parts using unique connections) you should limit the connections to something low, like 3. These days - especially big companies - frown upon that kind of activity. It’s kind of abuse in many ways.
I limit idman to 4, even the browser downloader which is a single connection would fail miserably…had considered that some servers didn’t like apps like idman but downloads failed then too…even idman set to 1 connection would fail but I have little choice but to use idman since without resume capability I’d never get the file down from github as of late…my connection tends to top out at 163 Mbps give or take
Do you mean 163kb/s? In which case it would not trigger any slow connection issue. What error do you receive? A time-out? 500?
yeah kbits sorry…idman or browser simple stops receiving data after rapidly slowing data transfer to 0kb in minutes
As I tested it, 20kiB/s worked flawlessly for me (assuming that all servers work the same).
If nothing works you can try building it your own, as git might support resumeable downloads.
You miss the jdk and blender then though.
just git clone GitHub - jMonkeyEngine/jmonkeyengine: A complete 3D game development suite written purely in Java. then building the engine (see the sdk’s .travis.yml for how to do it)
As a temporary fix ill provide a link. I’m not sure how long it will last before google stars complaning…
I already got it down as explained above it was just fiddly getting it down thanks