Contact @Darkchaos (MeFisto on github) for sdk issues, since he is now the main maintainer.
Thank you all (all the devs but also everybody that brought up issues, tested some, …)!
Jay is right, I just finished my bachelor thesis and will look into it as soon as possible however a manual build is possible as always. You can actually even build pbr/master, I just didnt want to change branches before stable isn’t even out
Cheers for the new release and for many more to come!
One question, would it be possible to have the jme-testdata.jar in bintray as well?
I there a size limit?
Thank you!
It is more a legal/rule concern since it is no Code but other files, only packaged as jar.
Same applies for jbullet.jar etc which are required but not developed by us
I guess bintray can contain binaries but they can’t be shown on jcenter. Though consequently:
a) the binary support is a little questionable, and
b) not really that useful to us to have the binaries on bintray but not listed in jcenter… might as well download it from github at that point.
I wonder how is it different from any other package, besides not having .class files, does Jcenter care if it doesn’t?
jcenter is for publishing open source maven artifacts which must have -sources.jar and -javadoc.jars along with them. It’s not intended for posting giant data files.
Huzza for the developers of this awesome engine.
My detected issues in the plugins/settings" so far in version 3.1that happened in version 3.0
The url for NBAndroid is wrong it should be:
as explained in
2-[not solved]
The jMonkeyEngine SDK Stable
and the
jMonkeyEngine SDK User Contributions
do not work (wrong url maybe?).
This has nothing to do with the engine itself. The websites are down.
Engine != SDK SDK != Engine.
They are separate releases now. So while we care about SDK-specific issues, they belong in a different place.
Got it placed it on github post regarding SDK repository.
I know that the engine is one thing the SDK is another!
I just didn’t know you separated them, my confusion was because to get the engine I went to the SDK release
and not just the engine release
Now I get it why the SDK download in is not allowing to get 3.1
because its pointing to
Release JME sdk 3.0.10 · jMonkeyEngine/sdk · GitHub.
so kind of you
I’m sorry, but I feel a little bit confused about versions of SDK and Engine.
I’ve downloaded the file from Release JME sdk 3.0.10 · jMonkeyEngine/sdk · GitHub and started developing my project using that tool (labeled as jme 3.0.10). Now I’d like to use a Lemur library, which requires jme 3.1 beta. Seems like I should download the above mentioned release. How should I update ENGINE to use it with previously installed SDK and to continue my project?
The sdk is bound somehow by reference to a certain version. This is why they seperated - to stop the sdk slowing down release times of the engine. Anyway. You can download a 3.1 sdk here:
It is slightly behing the engine release cycle. You dont need the sdk to use the engine. I use intellij or netbeans personally.
Edit: actually it looks like they caught up. 3.1 stable is the current release.
Nice. Probably it would be better to add actual tag ‘stable’ for that SDK release on github, and the link on website points onto this release?
Confusion is happening because at jme home page it points to JME sdk 3.0.10 download page. I updated the link in this PR, so it points to
Releases · jMonkeyEngine/sdk · GitHub.
Will appreciate if someone can merge it.
Nice going guys (@Darkchaos and SDK team) . Thanks for this.