Lemur TextField doesnt work as expected in Android

I have a Lemur TextField in my AndroidHarness based Activity. It displays the text fine and I can show/hide the keyboard by using JmeSystem.showSoftKeyboard(true);
The problem is that the TextField doesn’t react to some of the keys, in my case doesn’t show numbers when I press them, doesn’t place the cursor in the correct position when I press on existing text and doesn’t react to the Del button

So is there a reliable way to use TextField for editing text in my app or should I use regular Android EditText compnent?

Thank you

This doesn’t even work with the mouse. Lemur uses BitmapText for the text in the edit fields and without a pretty major refactoring (of BitmapText), finding a clicked location in the text is pretty difficult. So it’s just not done yet.

The others come down to whatever JME’s RawInputListener is delivering. As mentioned in that other thread, add a RawInputListener and log what you get when entering numbers and the other keys that aren’t working. It could be that codes come through strange and may be fixable… it could be that no events come through at all which is a more serious problem and technically even outside of JME’s control, I guess.

You can use the following:

SoftTextDialogInputListener l = new SoftTextDialogInputListener() {
	public void onSoftText(int action, String text) {
		System.out.println("Softtext event: " + text);
JmeSystem.getSoftTextDialogInput().requestDialog(SoftTextDialogInput.TEXT_ENTRY_DIALOG, "GIMME TEXT", "", l);

I think you can get into a Lemur Button’s onFocus or onClick and create a popup every time presses a textfield. Then, you can make the listener write text into the Lemur TextField.
This seems like the best solution as of now, as it simply bypasses jme and uses Android’s EditText.

This one?

So I did that (after 6 months) and I got no event on practically all keys. Typing ‘ß’ and other irrelevant keys yielded weird results.

I created a gist with a main application, a raw input listener, and an example of a log:

@adi.barda, could you maybe try it out? It would be interesting to see what results you get, both on the keys that work and that don’t.

So, it looks like I cannot use Lemur’s TextField as a code text editor because this is a basic functionality. I guess I just fall back to Android’s EditText for now and look for JME text component later.
Thank you guys for your assistance