Loader warnings at startup

When my server starts up I see WARNINGS in the console output:

Mar 24, 2017 10:08:22 AM com.jme3.system.JmeDesktopSystem initialize
INFO: Running on jMonkeyEngine 3.1-beta1
 * Branch: HEAD
 * Git Hash: 310f4db
 * Build Date: 2016-04-25
Mar 24, 2017 10:08:22 AM com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig loadText
WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre.MeshLoader
Mar 24, 2017 10:08:22 AM com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig loadText
WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre.SkeletonLoader
Mar 24, 2017 10:08:22 AM com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig loadText
WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre.MaterialLoader
Mar 24, 2017 10:08:22 AM com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig loadText
WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre.SceneLoader
Mar 24, 2017 10:08:22 AM com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig loadText
WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.BlenderModelLoader
Mar 24, 2017 10:08:22 AM com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig loadText
WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.FbxLoader
Mar 24, 2017 10:08:22 AM com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig loadText
WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.audio.plugins.OGGLoader

I think these warnings are coming from AssetConfig, and if I’m understanding the code correctly, they don’t indicate that anything is wrong…they just indicate that an optional config file hasn’t been provided.

If I’m correct, then I’ll just tweak my log configs to ignore warnings from that particular class (I don’t like to see warnings if they aren’t actual causes for concern!). But if I’m not correct, and I am supposed to be providing some kind of config file (or something else), then I’d like to address that so that the warnings go away!

So I ask: am I correct about where these warnings are coming from, and that they’re not actually causes for concern? Or is my project missing some required files/configs/inputs somewhere?

You miss jme3-blender and jme3-plugins (?) to be able to load blender and ogre during the Runtime (probably unwanted…)

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Nope, nothing’s missing unless you want to load Blender/Ogre files at runtime. In that case, add the libs @Darkchaos said to use.

I think it makes sense to use your own cfg files where you define only the loaders that you need