@zzuegg said:
I also saw this guy drawing a beautiful car in paint. Still i am not able to do it with any program out there.
This is in the complete opposite direction of what I said. Of course a pro is a pro, but the point of these programme is to simplify the job, so someone with a bit less talent can do a beautiful car too, or just faster. Compare modifying a photo with photoshop or paint. Anyone can do it with photoshop and most of the time it will look good while you need a lot of skill cause of the limitation of paint.net
And think about programmation. I donât believe any of this (JMonkeyEngine) would had been possible if it had to be programmed with binary code! Feasible theoretically, but no one is good/insane enough to do any of these modern programme/game whit binary code!
And the more i seek, the more i found tool to do this. Problem is, most of those professional program cost a lot, more that i can afford. Am still seeking for free one or one that wonât cost as much. Just a quick exemple : the object oriented database am working with cost something like 500 euro. The demo version is of course free, but if i ever decide to go on with it, it will still cost me a lot, like 650$ CA. Yet, if it save me hour and hour of work, and it can make faster transaction than anything else I can manage, why not? I wonât write my own Database, and why should I? Same about the character modelisation, why should I work really hard about recreating the wheel when somebody already did it?
This is partly why i wrote this post, to get some link about programm like these. My graphics told me about Maya Autodesk, but after just a few minute inside JMonkey i hear about Blender. But what if there is something else, something better? Something that will save me, or im, hour and hour of work cause it can do part of it for me. I do realise that it will still take a lot of work, but just admit it is really easier and faster to do 3D animation with blender then it is with paint and binary code.
@abies said:
Sure, but preparation means prototyping and testing smaller-scale models, rather just thinking about things. It might be different if you are doing exactly same thing for 20th time - but for any creative work, you need to prototype sooner rather than later.
The prototype part is already on the road, as yours main graphiste already started to make some concept art, and the game mechanic are pretty much already made, we just need to implement them in something.Just need to put those ideas into 3D and those mechanic into solid code, step per step, with the good tools.